Read more about the article A Sonnet For Friday: When a New Day Comes
Image by Prawny from Pixabay

A Sonnet For Friday: When a New Day Comes

Riddle: What do word enthusiast do when they're struggling with nervousness, and feel like a turtle that someone kicked and left struggling to flip itself over? Answer: They write a Sonnet! Come read mine, please.


Encouragement: A Repost– An Ode To The First Man I Loved

A happy Sunday to all. Today would have been my daddy's birthday. Pouring my heart out and wishing a Happy Birthday to my daddy who's snug safely in my heart: I remember.

Read more about the article Ode To Words: W3 Prompt #74 for Wea’ve Written Weekly
Man Writing Letter and Woman Reading Letter, two paintings by Gabriel Metsu combined into a dyptich More: Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons

Ode To Words: W3 Prompt #74 for Wea’ve Written Weekly

Hey, my lovelies, guess what--I'm the PoW at The Skeptic's Kaddish this week. Won't you join us? We're talking Neruda. We're talking Odes: Neruda was known for his historical epics, political manifestos, and love poems. Neruda’s incisive and joyful odes were often dedicated to ordinary objects making them approachable yet surreal. I bet you have one such "thing" you appreciate... Please join us.