Kindred by Selma Martin
Remembering my childhood Christmases.
Hotel de los corazones rotos–The hotel of broken hearts Hello, my precious Readers. We stand at the threshold of a turning point. A timewhen we recap the year's harvest and…
With bitter regret, mine heart’s been laden Since Hallowmas when thou our bed-vow broke And now perjured be roam I loath-burdened Waiting for the day this prank I do choke…
Are you inconvenienced by the Indian summer refusing to leave? The whole situation has Summer Faery pouting. She's waiting on the one lone warm day that's to report to duty: it's gone astray! This is a Public Announcement.
"So sit back, relax, get comfy, and enjoy the Q & A," says Author Lauren Scott.
Good books on sale from the publisher. Come take a look, please. ((no, they are not on sale for 5 cents))
This is by far the greatest honor, as it's at Colleen Chesebro's Tanka Tuesday community, where I felt completely welcome once I made the switch. Thanks, Colleen: from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
A short poem with a nesting place at the lovely Masticadores USA. Thank you so much.
Once there was a girl... She is pacing the floor now, waiting for the book to be born. Thank you, all. xoxo
A short poem with a nesting place at the lovely Masticadores USA. Thank you so much for having me. #masticadoresusa #poetry
Happy Fun Fri-Yayyy my friends! I can’t believe our launch party is tomorrow of my Book RE-CREATE & CELEBRATE and it will available for sale on … Fun Fri-Yayyy Book…