Read more about the article Birthing A New World
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Birthing A New World

Poetry on the need of birthing a new world: Earth cries day and night Sun hurriedly wipes her tears In the dimming of the light He promises to find a way. But the way — it needs roots attached to human hearts and brains. Let's all heed the call. Gaia needs YOU. 

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Read more about the article Respect Questions, Work to Project from Inside You
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Respect Questions, Work to Project from Inside You

Inspiration for you today. What if we stopped resisting what’s happening and put our belief in the fact that the universe is on our side? Remember that like attracts like; starts as an inside job. Remember that failure is a teacher; the straight road to success. What if we started to accept what is and embraced the questions? Let's try-- you and I.

Read more about the article There’s Only One Way to Get Out of the Gutter
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There’s Only One Way to Get Out of the Gutter

Lessons come to us from everywhere. Having my head in books often, the universe sends me messages from within books. Today I wish to tell you of a quote I happened upon, and how my interest in that quote opened me to receive the insightful explanation of Dr. Dyer, the author of Being in Balance. "It is not a secret," he said, "and we don’t need to wait for an invitation to participate, for in balancing the vision with the thought, we begin to co-create our lives."  Deep. All this from a quote that spoke about being in the gutter. 

Read more about the article How Not to Set Yourself up for a Joyless End
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

How Not to Set Yourself up for a Joyless End

We were all children once, children who gallantly morphed into adults. And in our new adult outer-shells, we became teachers and walking examples with purpose. How is it that sometimes we don't mature correctly? How is it that sometimes we become so stubborn? In this article, I attempt to show you how not to let pointless stubbornness set us up for a joyless end.

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Read more about the article Tremulous Afternoon in Airless Rooms
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Tremulous Afternoon in Airless Rooms

Loneliness: a social pain Clouds in lacey white dresseshurriedly pass o’er rooftopssalaciously dancing ‘roundpuffed-upinconspicuous Wind Sun, red-facedlike a disgruntled sentinelbeams strongerbellowing "Order!"to the frolicking clouds;his abhorrence ignitedby their blatant charade…

Read more about the article Bells as Reminder to Spread Goodwill 
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Bells as Reminder to Spread Goodwill 

I grew up believing that bells are a reminder to spread goodwill. All bells. Did you hear any bells growing up? Did they go unnoticed, or did they symbolize something particular to you? What about last year? Did you hear the bells at year-end? In my area, no bells rang on New Year's Eve. 

Read more about the article You Can Find This Poetry Sequence in Nature
GAIA- Image by beate bachmann from Pixabay

You Can Find This Poetry Sequence in Nature

The ratio of the Fibonacci Spiral Poem is a pattern found in nature. It follows a sequence of numbers where each syllable of a word is the sum of the previous two syllables. Like nature, you and I are a perfect specimen of imperfection reproducing, loving, living-- warmed by the sun... You and I.

Read more about the article You Are Here With Good Reasons to Celebrate
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You Are Here With Good Reasons to Celebrate

Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most outstanding American Scholars, bestowed on us words of wisdom. Have you thought of him recently? To fully accept his words, one needs to untangle from fear, discard what's not working, and with an open heart, stretched to its fullest, understand why everyone has a good reason to celebrate today.

Read more about the article So You Want to Declutter– but How Do You Start? 
feeling trapped - Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

So You Want to Declutter– but How Do You Start? 

Decluttering is not hard. But one has to distinguish between what's trivial and what's important according to the amount of attention or inattention one gives to things. Each person's capacity to derive importance from "clutter" translates to gratifying moments that matter to that individual. In short, what's trivial and what's important are whatever you make them out to be. If you're struggling to get started decluttering, here are two questions to help.

Read more about the article Don’t Forget to Breathe
Breathe- Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Don’t Forget to Breathe

"Selma," said Mom, "don't forget to breathe." Today, I wish to tell you about a poignant piece of advice that came to me in the form of a decades-old memory. It envigorated me then and reliving it now has made me aware of the beautiful energy coursing through me--and you-- nothing short of amazing.

Read more about the article What If We Strived to Become 1 Percent More Kind Every Day?
A heart growing at 1% a day - Image by Marek Studzinski from Pixabay

What If We Strived to Become 1 Percent More Kind Every Day?

What if... Compounding at 1% a day, in 365 days, we’ll be 37 times better/stronger/more blessed/kinder. Here's one way to get started: Let your hard-earned money work as an extension of you; send it out with one blessing to touch people’s life. In time, you might decide to increase that rule.

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