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Author's Album, January 7th, 2022

Warmth In The Hush Helped Preserve The Morning Intact

there’s a kind of hush
and in that stillness you find warmth 
every time you turn it inward
like when you cut your own wood
it warms your soul twice 
find your whit, let snow warm your soul, entice 

© 2022 

The morning after the blessings of white, I rose with the sun, but the pavement,
buried in snow still, lulled by the hush, was unaware morning had broken. *smile*
It was very cold but I hardly noticed. *double-wink*

I owe the italicized part of the poem to Dwight at the ROTH POETRY Website
for furnishing me with the wise words in a comment. Thanks so much, Dwight.

And thanks to you for reading. I wish you miracles and enchantment in ordinary
pleasures where it’s easy to discern them.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. radhikasreflection

    Beautiful picture Selma. Love that mellow glow the morning sun brings in 💟. Your words complement the picture in perfect harmony.
    I love how you end each of your posts with blessings and miracles to all your readers. It’s such a wonderful way of spreading positive vibes. Thank you so much for that ❤️❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. You are precious. Thanks for appreciating my signature greeting on my posts. For over 50 years my mother told me I was a miracle. (wrote a post about it) And I believe I am. And that everyone is deserving of same. Thus, my wish for the awareness that miracles exist. I wish you miracles, Radhika. And thanks for visiting me here. xoxo

  2. ben Alexander

    I owe the italicized part of the poem to Dwight at the ROTH POETRY Website
    for furnishing me with the wise words in a comment. Thanks so much, Dwight.

    That is so cool, Selma. Dwight’s kindness and wisdom always shine through, as both yours and his do in this poem.


    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, David. And yes, Dwight’s kindness travels far and wide. Stay sweet, dear friend. I bless you.
      I have a question for you today: The 36 righteous beings. Do you know about them? The Vavniks. I just wonder if you know the story? xoxo

      1. ben Alexander

        They’re called “Lamed Vavniks” because “Lamed” (ל) is a letter, and “Vav” (ו) is a letter. Every letter of the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to a number. “Lamed” is 30 and “Vav” is 6 – that’s what they’re called “Lamed Vavniks” 😀

        Which story are you referring to? I believe that there are more than one story about the Lamed Vavnikim.


        1. Selma Martin

          Totally cool. Yes, you’re right. It’s Lamed Vavniks. I unintentionally left out the number 30. OMG!
          Well I only know one story. About how there exist 36 of them in our midst at any given time. They right things that separate us and need healing. They do it for the rest of us. These 36 beings don’t call attention upon themselves. And that is why we look out for those we don’t know– anyone could be that precious being we depend on. We need each other.
          That’s the story I know and love. Never knew there was more to it. Anyway, I love that story.
          Thanks, David. I suspected you would know. Yay. xoxo

  3. Jane Aguiar

    Lovely picture of white beauty look like icing on the cake and wonderful poem as well ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Icing yes. Just like that. I appreciate you coming to read and comment. TYSVM. 💜

  4. Daphny Aqua

    Such a lovely one Selma, I love those whites. How much I wish I could have an experience of snow fall. Sensing you much love. 🤗💖

    1. Selma Martin

      Hi, Daphny. You have been missed.
      I love it that you read and found it to your liking. You bless me with that already. I feel the love. The snow has given much to talk about. Wish I could send you some. Be well, my lovely. I send you much love too.

      1. Daphny Aqua

        Aww.. I’ve really missed you as well Selma, been trying to find my balance and hopefully I will. 😊
        I do wish you could send me some as well. 😁 Looking forward to reading your words. ❤️

  5. WildChild47

    sometimes we must brave the cold (literally and metaphorically) in order to find the warmth — ’tis true — and actually, chopping wood is more than a double act …. a distant neighbour and I once estimated that each piece of firewood (from the already felled tree, and split by someone else, also delivered by said person) will pass through one’s hands (the new owner/recipient) about 10 times before actually making its way into the stove. Hard work indeed! But actually, the metaphor you’ve used from the comment left for you is wonderful. And best yet, choosing to look upon the day or tasks with a positive mindset, and joy (rather than dread or fear or boredom) actually turns it all “bright side up” …. 😀

    Hope you have a most wonderful day and week. And yes, new snow is wonderful in its own ways and fashions. Enjoy!

    1. Selma Martin

      Forgive the delayed response. This human is Having brain glitches.
      You are my bright side up. And you’ve added more to that quote I mentioned about the wood. How many hands! How many hearts.
      Thanks for adding to it.
      I appreciate this platform for the wealth of knowledge it bestows. Abundantly. Generously.
      Thanks for the precious visit and all the encouragement you load in your comments. I’m forever grateful. Be well, my sweet. I blesss you. 💕

  6. Ingrid

    What a beautiful blessing, Selma! ❄️

    1. Selma Martin

      Beautiful. That lingers still — the warmth. Xoxo

  7. Nope, Not Pam

    Love that poem, those wise words resulted in divine inspiration

    1. Selma Martin

      Those wise words warmed me and gave resonance to the poem. Glad you enjoyed. Enjoy your weekend. 💃🏼 👏 ☀️

  8. Jules

    We still have somewhat of a hush as it has just been to cold for the snow of a few days ago to melt completely.
    I am amazed though at the activity of the squrriels and birds. But then I have feeders for them.

    Lovely verse. Happy New Year.

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy New Year to you, dear friend. I read your lovely haiku. San Francisco. And also the other one– the video proved to me you can dance. wow. Love that. Where in the world are you, Jules? Everything you say– snow, squirrels, plants and all, intriguing. I bless you. Be well.

      1. Jules

        hm… what video? I might have included a link…
        I believe my friend Jude was dancing at his friends wedding… in Africa.

        I’m in the SW area of Pennsylvania. 🙂

        1. Selma Martin

          Hey Jules, I should have been asleep, not trying to send out replies in haste as I did. Sorry for that goof. You’re right, It was Jude doing the dancing, not you. Forgive. And he was in Africa– I felt it so. That prompted the question about where you reside. I got tangled up. Sorry. It will not happen again. *smile* Be well, dear friend…

          1. Jules

            No worries at all. If a computer can have clitches I guess us humans can too 😉

  9. Cindy Georgakas

    Such wonderful words to warm my Sunday! Thanks Selma! ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading, Cindy. Your words warm me too. Blessings 💕 👏

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