You are currently viewing Wakamizu: First Water
Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay Retouched on Canva by Author

Wakamizu: First Water

A tanka on the reflection of a star bouncing in the water in my glass 

pouring a glass of water
reflects me a star
buoyant as a New Year's Day
blessed and holy water
I bow and drink it up

© 2023

Akemashite omedetto gozaimasu: Happy New Year in Japanese *bowing*

The tanka fascinates me. Its simplicity, crafted in everyday words and presented in five lines, has been my trend in the last months of 2022. 

Now that the curtains are up in the New Year, I hope to pursue this art form more.

So, in the first days of 2023, I’ll show you some of what I’ve been working on earnestly. I hope you find something you like.

Note: Wakamizu is the first water drawn from a well on New Year’s Day. A Japanese concept I like and am glad to share with you.

My dear readers, may this be The year! 

Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay and retouched on Canva by yours truly.
Happy New Year, and thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Daphny Aqua

    Happy New Year dear Selma, hope this year brings you more joy and blessings than ever. ❤️❤️

  2. Michele Lee

    Beautiful, Selma. Without water we would not be.

  3. Sunra Rainz

    Love that last line 🙂 Happy New Year, Selma! <3

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m pleased you liked it. Thanks for reading, Sunra. Happy New Year.

  4. rajkkhoja

    Lovely poem ✍️ you.
    A new year’s day blessed and holly water….
    Beautiful ⭐ in water. I like.
    Have a good day, Selma 👍

  5. Ingrid

    A wonderful, crystal clear reflection with which to start the year!

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