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W3 Prompt #108: Wea’ve Written Weekly: What’s This?

Written for The Skeptic’s Kaddish writing challenge posted on May 22, 2024
where the PoM is Suzanne. (thanks for the lovely prompt, Suzanne).

Okie dokie ~ Let’s do this thing!

I. The prompt poem:

‘Where is hope?’, a poem by Suzanne Brace

II. Suzanne’s prompt guidelines

  • Compose a poem that conveys ‘Movement’, using repetition to move your
    ideas and imagery forward.
    • You may use repetition in many different ways – repeating sounds,
      syllables, words, phrases, lines, etc.

You know the one I mean…
this one…

Thanks for reading… I hope you felt the movement in this post.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Annika Perry

    Wow! Selma, this is wonderful! I love the breathless questioning, the repetition which propels the reader forwards, wondering what is happening. The sense of joy building, the expectation of happiness so real. A superb ending and yes, hope that our ordinary towns and villages can be just so! 😀❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Doubly Oh frabjous day! Callooh, Callay…
      Thanks for noting this is possible still. Bless you. Xo

  2. Melissa Lemay

    Uhm I am a *huge* Nightmare Before Christmas fan. I recognized the lyrics immediately. So, thank you for that fun.🤩

    I enjoyed going along for your very animated poem. I think these lines were my favorite:

    “There’s a good feeling all around
    not one nightmare could be found
    among the cozy things”

  3. Michele Lee

    That was an enchanting stroll through your hope-filled world! 🕊️

    1. Selma Martin

      Hope filled world it is. Imagine though. I know you can. Thanks so much lovely Michele Lee. Bless you.

  4. Sadje

    A wonderful piece of poetry my friend. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so very much dear Sadje. Blessings sent your way. XO

  5. rajkkhoja

    So beautiful poetry . So funny Nightmare video clip.

    1. Selma Martin

      Hehe. Thanks so very much, Raj. So happy you liked the video clip. 😜

  6. brazannemuse

    I have a lovely big smile on my face reading this, thank you Selma! What’s this? It’s pure happiness in a poem, the movement throughout in the repetition, and oh if we could move out the bad and have good feeling everywhere – what a wonderful world. I enjoyed watching the video too

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so happy you smiled. Mission accomplished dear Suzanne. Blessings. Thanks did the prompt.

  7. ben Alexander


    Okay, I mean… First of all, just – delightful and makes me SMILE. But also – merging it with those existing lyrics… that is just perfect, Selma. You did it perfectly. I love it.


    1. Selma Martin

      Made you 😊 smile. Yay. Happy to know, David. Have a nice Sunday. Good night from me. Xo

  8. lesleyscoble

    I’m puffed after reading your poem, Selma! What a great take on the prompt! What’s this (I love Nightmare before Christmas) 👏💖

    1. Selma Martin

      Puffed?! Like a blowfish’ 🐡? Thats such a funny thing to say. Made me laugh. 🤣 happy you liked it.
      I also enjoyed your post. Very informative. History. Wow.

      1. lesleyscoble

        😂No. Not like a blowfish. I meant I was puffed, breathless with the pace of your poem. It’s a compliment ( I hope).

        1. Selma Martin

          🤣 you’re funny. Now I cannot get rid of you as a blowfish. 🐡 but I’ll sit my silly mind down for a talk. You are not a blowfish.
          Be well my sweet history buff. Bless you.

          1. lesleyscoble

            😂 🐡🤣 I don’t mind being a blowfish 😂🐡

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