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Photo by author. March 2022.

This Organic Thing Is A Living, Breathing Organism With Light

Thus, life
is organic,
not programmed: a mixed bag
of hard choices and brilliant paths
where you
get your tight knickers in a twist
or find a stitch in time
saves nine. Often,
you learn!

Or else,
lands you in the
middle of a puddle,
then brings you back— breathing, kicking
through gaps
you come to find that underneath
the layers within you
light shines boldly

© 2022 

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we
must never lose infinite hope.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Poetry form: two Mirror cinquains. Hope you enjoyed.
All photographs,© Selma Martin. Thanks for reading, and I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Manja Maksimovič

    Beautiful everything but this time I am most impressed with the top photo. Such detail! And the little visitor! <3

  2. utahan15

    so we re told God s will
    love and lust
    just once
    brought me here you see
    but why>?

  3. Gwen M. Plano

    Beautiful, Selma. 💗

  4. Deeksha Bhardwaj

    A beautiful poem and beautiful pictures, Selma! Thanks for sharing🤗🌺💫

  5. Ingrid

    Beautiful truth in your words, Selma! 🌟

  6. Nope, Not Pam

    The light of hope always shines

  7. WildChild47

    O! Stunning …. just wonderful …. what a great image and a Light filled poem. Happy Spring! Peace and Light to you and your loved ones. May you continue to sow Hope and Love’s seeds. 💕

  8. Daphny Aqua

    Wonderfully described, keep on blessing us with your delightful words dear Selma. ✨🌸

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for the visit, Obong, and glad to make your acquaintance through this comment. I appreciate you. Be well.xoxo

  9. Cindy Georgakas

    amazing poem and picture Selma. I can almost smell it! 💖🌻

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh, yes. It’s a lovely sweet-smelling little gem of nature. Ask the spider. She knows best. Thanks for reading this one too. Happy Spring.

  10. JoAnna

    I love the energy and imagery here! “…a mixed bag of hard choices and brilliant paths…” Keep on shining your beautiful light!

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, JoAnna of the forest. I will. And you too… xoxo

  11. Yvette M Calleiro

    The blossoms are almost as beautiful as the poem! Well done, Selma! 😊

  12. Jules

    So fun to find visitors amid the floral life of spring. Sometimes I see them when I take the photo and other times, they are an unexpected bonus.
    I’ve seen many a spider – I save house spiders… though some spiders like the small brown reculse can be poisonus. I’ve not seen a spider with green legs before!

    I looked her up, she could be a; “Crab spiders have 8 eyes and ability to see in all directions. Males have more slender body and longer legs. Name “crab spider” refers to crab-like shape of the body and ability of these animals to walk sideways and backwards, just like crabs. Crab spider is diurnal animal (active during the day).” Also; “Because they eat pests like flies and mosquitoes, crab spiders are generally beneficial. They are venomous, but most crab spiders have mouthparts too small to pierce human skin. Even the giant crab spider, which is large enough to successfully bite people, typically causes only mild pain and no lasting side effects.” – Be careful!

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