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Image by Steve Dietrich from Pixabay

The Smell of Home is Etched in Memory

The pale golden warmth
Of the low-watt bulb
Barely pierces black
On a pitch-dark night
Yet it flares so loud
In my nostalgia 
Kept safe in my soul


The way home is stenciled in my senses.
Soil, grass, coconuts, plantains;
Sky, sea, breeze-- all soaked into me
Just like it was on my mother


That's the home of my childhood.
And in that home is my mother-- my north.
I see her haloed in the warm glow of a light bulb.
But home doesn't glow like that no more. 

Mind telling me about your childhood home?
What scent takes you back there?

Image by Steve Dietrich from Pixabay

I Wish You Miracles. 

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Suzette Espat

    The smell of home… de la casa Madre.. fry jacks with fry beans.. the scent of rain upon the dust.. black fruit cakes at christmas…mango season… the scent of love and warmth and the feeling that , there, all is well.. the smell of the freshly cut, green , green grass of home…

    1. willowdot21

      This is beautiful Selma.💜 Home as child so long ago…. I don’t know a particular smell but the feeling was safe warm and love. 💜

      1. Selma Martin

        Home should be those beautiful feelings for all children.
        Thanks so very much for reading and commenting, dear Willow. Sending good vibes your way. Xo 🤗

  2. rajkkhoja

    So beautiful write & share smell of home memories poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy this spoke to you. Each house smell different. We learn to love the scent in ours.
      Thanks for reading. XoXo

      1. rajkkhoja

        Really learn to love….

  3. ben Alexander

    Selma, hi, I was just revisiting this beautiful poem of yours, and I wonder if you’d allow me to post it as a reblog at some point in the future – no pressure, of course! Please let me know.


    1. Selma Martin

      Well—that would be just the biggest honor. Yes, and thanks so much, dear David. Arigatou xo🙇🏽‍♀️

  4. Carol anne

    A beautiful poem Selma! I was deeply moved! xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Carol Anne. It warms me to know it moved you.
      Thanks for being here my friend. Xoxo 📧 😘

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