In Awe With The Place We Call Home #ltpp
I've learned to appreciate the nudge that prompts elicit, so I hope you're coaxed into trying out this photo prompt that I present to you through LynnMcKPhotography today. Enjoy A Prayer.
I've learned to appreciate the nudge that prompts elicit, so I hope you're coaxed into trying out this photo prompt that I present to you through LynnMcKPhotography today. Enjoy A Prayer.
I was a good tree climber back in the day. For their fruit-- mango trees, coconut trees, avocado trees. And for seed pods, you could find me perched on a flamboyant tree. What about you. Which trees did you climb?
Some things, one never forgets, and that includes feelings and smells too. For me, Christmas smelled like apples and cinnamon and spices and home.
Who needs more idleness today? No one, lest it could serve the day The sandman doth come out to play Lullaby May, lullaby May. I have a great many firsts these days,…
A short fiction piece that includes the prompt words, plume and zenith. Read to find out if it will turn out to be a good morning for this school bus driver.