Ever So Gently, Inhabit The World of Lauren Scott
Part II includes my Amazon Review of Lauren Scott's poetry collection, Ever So Gently. Get the book to Inhabit the world of the Author for a gentle evening with lovely words that will linger long.
Part II includes my Amazon Review of Lauren Scott's poetry collection, Ever So Gently. Get the book to Inhabit the world of the Author for a gentle evening with lovely words that will linger long.
This book is educational, empathetic, encouraging and full of light. I really believe this should be available to all humans. Please read my Amazon Review.
I've been busy reading and inhaling Africa like never before and now I want to tell you about it. And if I know you're going where I want to go (as mentioned in the blog) I will be your companion. Please read to the end. xoxo
I managed to obtain an exclusive interview with the bestselling queen of good books and wish to share my findings with you. My friends, today you will learn a little about what excites our Queen through these four questions I posed to her... Enjoy.
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." ~ Thornton Wilder
Tonight I finally submitted two reviews for lovely books purchased on Amazon. It gives me great pleasure to be able to do this. Bless you all. More to come.
"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." ~James Allen
The success of In The Shadow of Rainbows is not mine alone. The success of this book is your success, too, and I applaud you, dear collaborators. Together we did it.
Hello friends, feel free to share the good news on your blog, social media, or any way you like to share good news. TYSVM, beforehand. I bless you. A hearty thanks to my Editor.
My Amazon review of Waking Up To Thrutopia: poems and essays by Conny Borgelioen. I found the work, and not to mention the cover, to be a fulfilling and enlightening collection. Please consider adding this book to your collection.
"We are simply a constellation of bodies swirling in a giant golden teacup of human magic." —Kym Moore, Author of We Are Poetry: Lessons I Didn't Learn in a Textbook.
Author Krissy Baccaro knows how to do mystery. With every novel, I relived emotions I encountered when reading Nancy Drew-- gosh, how long ago was that? Delicious! Here's my Amazon Review + for Lies That Bind.