Read more about the article Sijo: The Goddess

Sijo: The Goddess

A Sijo is a Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka, comprised of three linesof 14-16 syllables each, for a total of 44-46 syllables.Each line contains a pause near the middle, similar…

Read more about the article Heart Murmurs Of My Hometown #Day20 #NaPoWriMo
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Heart Murmurs Of My Hometown #Day20 #NaPoWriMo

Ode to my beloved city and all cities everywhere in the world. And note the new Korean poetry form, called a sijo, that I applied (as per the prompt of today). I enjoyed working on this. Hope you enjoy reading it as well. Let me know in the comments, please. xoxo