Sadje’s What Do You See # 250: Santa Rita
What can you see from Santa Rita's Maya ruins roof top? Here's what I see.
What can you see from Santa Rita's Maya ruins roof top? Here's what I see.
Please notice P.J. Gudka, everyone, and lend her your support. I highly recommend this courageous new author who has dared to share her innermost reflections in such a beautiful book. A five-star rating from me. Very satisfied.
Creative non-fiction: A soliloquy on the family reunion I was not invited to but to which I was the guest of honor; the life of the party. Go figure!
This is my second time writing a Kimo; my first with the garland Kimo. From revisiting that first time post, I realize one more point, Kimo is an Israeli version of the haiku. Unrhymed. No title.
We're talking sunflowers at Tanka Tuesday today. What an iconic flower !
In July 2023, In The Shadow of Rainbows debuted on Amazon and I receivedirreplaceable support from this WordPress community. In that light, I'd like tolend support to a few of…
“What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, Star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air.” ~ Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Of compasses and things that still brim you over when you think of them. I hope you enjoy this Heroic Sonnet.
smooth, swollen, and scouredlike pebbles in river bedsmemories I hold dearly populate my head one or two are disfigured—rough, metamorphic, and wornlarger-grained and ponderous;might have crystals at their core those I…
Note: August 1st through 7th is International Clown Week. I'm days late but still wish to tell you about these clowns. Enjoy
Let me tell you about this newly published author. Please read.
Thanks Hotel by Masticadores. Senryu focuses on the awkward moments in life making the human, not the world around them, the subject.