Masticadores USA: No Road To Rome
Let me tell you about the town that raised me. New post Scheduled at Masticadores USA today.
Let me tell you about the town that raised me. New post Scheduled at Masticadores USA today.
Let’s take care of our planet. It’s the only home we have.
Specific Theme Child Of My Womb it is blisswhen you reach outto touch meand melt my heart—tense my thumbstill this moment—branch of my rib, I love you minutes flywhen I'm…
Written after Stephen W. Buchanan's post, You Bet Your Life. If You Haven't Got A Sonnet, A Ha'Sonnet Will Do.
It's easy to conjure up the image of that island ferry. Here's how I do it.
A little dark poem is where I landed today. Hope you can recover from this one.
uncertainty looms in every corner—what to do, what to do but all ills come equipped, they say,complete with answers waiting the humane will figure it out: not exactlyrocket science Copyright…
In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I received irreplaceable support from this WordPress community during the release of my debut poetry collection. In that light, I’d like to lend support to a few of the generous bloggers who lent me their precious time.