ODE W3: Ode to My Trickster Thoughts Aging in My Hippocampus
Prompt: Write an Ode in praise of a person, place, or thing. (OR THINKS…)
January 5, 2025
Prompt: Write an Ode in praise of a person, place, or thing. (OR THINKS…)
Day Nine on APRIL 9, 2024 Happy Tuesday, all, and happy ninth day of Na/GloPoWriMo. Our featured participant for today is Rook Poetry, where a cowboy and samurai circle around each other…
Hey, my lovelies, guess what--I'm the PoW at The Skeptic's Kaddish this week. Won't you join us? We're talking Neruda. We're talking Odes: Neruda was known for his historical epics, political manifestos, and love poems. Neruda’s incisive and joyful odes were often dedicated to ordinary objects making them approachable yet surreal. I bet you have one such "thing" you appreciate... Please join us.