Whatsoever Is Lovely: November Is Lovely
There is so much to be grateful for. Here are a few of my beautiful things.
There is so much to be grateful for. Here are a few of my beautiful things.
... trying a series of American sentences. Please read.
There is always something to be thankful for. I am thankful for YOU. Happy October.
When you carry a story of hope and resilience in your heart, you want to share it with others.
It's easy to conjure up the image of that island ferry. Here's how I do it.
“Preventing window collisions isn’t rocket science; turn off lights at night, make windows on lower floors bird-friendly.” ~ Melissa Breyer
Carbon footprints Measure the weight Of daily deeds Unplug, switch off Think mindfulness Think CO2 Think -- Green energy!
First published at Blue Insights Publication on Medium as "How To Write A Nature Poem" Won't you check it out to see what you think?
Happy middle of the week to all. Hello. So we've finally arrived at the last day ofJuly. It was a busy month and truth be told, this is the limit…
Hello, lovely people. Happy Friday to all. Here's the teaser for my new poem: They’ve been whispering at the officeassuminghypothecatingpiercing him with suspicious staresThat Lipstick markis an eyesoreon the shirt…
What joy to know this amazing human. Do you know her? Author Judith Barrow. The first time I told you about her was in this post in 2022: https://selmamartin.com/book-review-for-the-heart-stone-by-judith-barrow/ Now…