Adorned in Slumber Kisses
earthenedthey let themselveslet go and gently landon the face of her who fed them—mother,energy drained — her turn to sleepbut not till her offspringkiss their goodnightsgrateful Copyright ©️ selma Form:…
earthenedthey let themselveslet go and gently landon the face of her who fed them—mother,energy drained — her turn to sleepbut not till her offspringkiss their goodnightsgrateful Copyright ©️ selma Form:…
We wait, we prepare, we wait for the next move, we are waiting.
"There is one spectacle grander than the sea,That is the sky;There is one spectacle grander than the sky,That is the interior of the soul."~ Victor Hugo "It's such a "grand"thingto…
Do you know about the kami-no-ku and shimo-no-ku in TANKA? Here's a very brief intro: At Masticadores USA.
A poem I found to help you find a little beauty today— please enjoy.
Three Tanka in one post on the butterfly effect on all existential battles. Respect All Life!
... trying a series of American sentences. Please read.
American Sentences? The heart of the matter, my dear Watson, is that people are people Copyright ©️ selmamartin November 2024
The soon-to-be mom and dad are calm and composed. And so are the grandparents-to-be: patiently we watch the oozing of every hour.
An Acrostic Poem for every season. Thanks, Diana.