Alas And Alack: What Do You See
Free your mind, Free your mind.
...the dragonflies, the damselfly nymphs, I watch them. Praise the ecosystem that exists for me. Praise the Universe for allowing me to be part of this wonderful day. "This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before". ~ Maya Angelou
A little creative writing never hurt anyone... I hope this post puts you in a good place and takes you to that place where the band is playing your song.
Something worth sharing 👏🏽
This is NOT clickbait: I am made of dreams and bones and find pleasure with my dandy partner under the covers... (a little misleading, but I hope it makes you grin).
Do you carry a handkerchief? Do you even remember what those things are? hehe. This week at W3, we're prompted to weave an Ode To Handkerchiefs. Ha! Come read what I got... xo
The words and other valuables you allow into your heart will live on forever. Let me know if you feel differently about this.
Personification. Creative Writing. Tragedy or Comedy-- you decide.
Happy Autumnal Equinox, friends. Please take a moment to be reminded of something that's hard to believe, considering all our eyes see, our ears hear, and our souls feel about the world today. You'll feel better after this. Promise.
Is Heaven a place, or an illusion? Up there? Or a mere figments of imagination? Fr. Sotti, the underdog in a few of my pieces, believes in heaven. What do you think?
I collected 11 "seashells' of wisdom for my friend Cindy G today. Quotes that speak to me. They are for you too, readers. Pls hold on to the ones that fit nicely where you need them the most. I wish you harmony, healing grace, and miracles.
All Rights Reserved © Selma Martin 2021 It's not easy to do, but try to stay the course even in the midst of hardships. How? By choosing to live in the moment. Hope you enjoy this one.