My south-facing pergola is ideal for the lovely tendril-bearing vines of the passiflora. Of the three different kinds I planted, only the white ones bloomed for me this year– make that a total of three white flowers bloomed. And that was at the beginning of spring.
Other years, alternating blooms of white, pink, and purple, these passion flowers attract a multitude of honeybees and butterflies.
We did get copious amounts of rainfall this year, which might mean that the plant didn’t get enough sunlight, south-facing notwithstanding.
And now, with the first drop of temperature, the plant has started to wither. And so, to reduce fungal disease from taking over these lovely vines, I spent hours today cutting it to the bare minimum. That yes– the vines grew aggressively large this year; to make up for the lack of blooms, do you think? I don’t know.
But I love my passion flowers and I hope for better blooms next year. So there, I’m putting a special request/prayer in– for the bees, the butterflies, and for me.
Crapsey Cinquain Trio 2-4-6-8-2 August you brought hope in— a glamor all your own summer fairies are departing shift change jealous moonbeams react with phantasmal cold stares Sun is gentle in September enchant in turn Ms. Bumblebee appears at my window next, Longlegs & Moth scuttle near so long *** © 2021
Thanks for reading. I wish you miracles.
- Wordless Wednesday - January 15, 2025
- Utenzi: Conquer Rage, Valorous Heart - January 14, 2025
- Hello @selmawrites, helloselmawrites - January 14, 2025
Wow the flower looks mesmerizing 😯😮 And the poems simply lovely ❣
You light me up. Every time. Thanks so much.
Yes, that flower is lovely indeed. And you should see the purple one. Gosh!
Do you have them in your country?
I’m glad you enjoyed this post. It’s a bit different than the others. Trying something new.
Be well, Daphny. Talk more later. xo
You have them as well, the purple one? Please do post it when it blooms would love to see it 😁
There might be but I’m not much of an outdoor person so I hardly know 😔
Love this post alot 💖
Wonderful white flower. So pretty it’s.
Glad you liked it Raj. Thanks for commenting
Thanks lot Selma! I am so glad.
H’W r u?
Than you Selma👍
Beautiful flower and I hope you have ‘lots’ of blooms next year 🐝💐.. “summer fairies are departing shift change” stunning poem Selma. Have a beautiful day 💛
A great post and a beautiful flower Selma! It is sad to see the flowers in decline. My zinnias are falling over full of blooms. I pull off the flower heads and dry time to plant next year. My butterflies and bees love them. Your poem is great!
Falling over themselves. How lovely. I can tell you love your plants.
Thanks for reading, Dwight. xo
I do love plants both garden and wild! I enjoyed your post.
Thanks so much.