You are currently viewing Sunset In His Pocket #poem
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Sunset In His Pocket #poem

A poem about a delightful sunset that turned sunny in the morning

Caught a sunset at the beach 
Ka-click brought her home in my pocket 
Set her loose between the sheets
Delightful winsome coquette

Come morning she just wouldn’t snuggle 
Lit up my room in splendid designs 
of thistles & vines, ensnared & entwined
Had eggs, toast, and coffee with sunshine

© 2021

Sunsets are the Universe’s way of slowing us down to appreciate a beautiful end of the day. So no matter what happens in your day, let your feet guide you eastward to redeem your spirit and let the miracle in. If it’s a cloudy day, you can be sure that their presence will enhance the sunset sky.

So catch a sunset and if you like, take her home in your pocket.
Thanks for reading. I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Ingrid

    I always love to catch the sunset, and luckily we are well placed to view them often. The photo is stunning! ❤️

  2. lynn__

    I like your idea of taking a sunset home in your pocket and the one you shared is gorgeous, Selma!

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, my sweets. For reading and finding it as lovely as I did. Beautiful world. Be well. IWYM

  3. Daphny Aqua

    What a lovely poem and the view OMG! Love this 💕

  4. Jeff Flesch

    A lovely poem, Selma. Wonderful imagery and feeling. ❤️

  5. Dawn D. McKenzie

    I love the whimsical way with which you caught the imagery here. You made me smile, and it’s not always an easy feat at the moment 😉
    Beautiful poem, Thank you for sharing!

    1. Selma Martin

      Hi, Dawn, Thanks and so glad this one made you smile. Hope you find more that bring out that smile. Be well dear one, relax in the knowledge that what ever’s going on, it will pass. I send you healing blessings.

      1. Dawn D. McKenzie

        Thank you. Sometimes, even though I know it will pass, I cannot help but wonder (and worry, slightly) how. But you are right. And I appreciate the healing blessings. XO

  6. JoAnna

    I like how you’ve portrayed the sunset as she. One of the most fascinating things I’ve seen in sunsets is how they change. So many times I’ve thought I’d seen the grand finale, but she wasn’t done! There was more! And even on a cloudy day/evening, a sunset can show up at the last minute.

    1. Selma Martin

      At sunset I see the Sun as a woman. How else could it be that her closet is so extensively beautiful.
      There might be other interpretations about this closet but to me it’s a woman ‘at sunset’
      And at sunrise too.
      In between these two wonderments the sun could be anything. Just saying.
      So right what you said: so let’s all stay in the moment. Love sunsets. Thanks, JoAnna. xo

  7. WildChild47

    I love the verse that accompanies your image! There is a whimsy in the poem, and yet a gratitude that runs beneath the surface! How lovely, to consider and muse about …. 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for the encouragement. I value the enthusiasm you give me. It will last me. So kind of you, my friend. Enjoy your visits immensely. Thanks.

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