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Geese walking on grass near water image, public domain animal CC0 photo. image source here

Recalibrate, Rewild, Realign: A Poem

In humans, regular walks in nature do just that.
Here’s to your recalibrating, rewilding, and realigning.

A flower with petals of rainbow colors

BTW, In The Shadow of Rainbows, is a collection of nature poetry. So, for those
of us not able to make it outdoors as often as we want to, perhaps–just perhaps,
a nature book like this one could work wonders.
Please click on the flower petals to “read a sample” of the book. Thank you.


Happy Holidays to All.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. beth

    Mother Nature always knows how to calm and recenter us. beautiful poem

  2. Sadje

    A lovely poem Selma. Indeed we all need realignment from time to time

    1. Selma Martin

      Indeed we do. It’s crucial we see to get this. Thanks, Sadje

      1. Sadje

        Most welcome my friend

  3. Kathryn LeRoy

    I would become such a mess if I did not attend to “recalibrating, rewilding, and realigning” every day. I know this because when I don’t, I wobble along unhinged or parked in neutral, going nowhere. Wonderful visual and reminder of the interconnectedness of all things. Thank you, friend.

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh how I value this response. We need to recalibrate for sure. I’ll be going into a cave soon to do just that.

      Thanks, my lovely. I bless you. Good night to you. Xoxo 😚 🤗

  4. Meelosmom

    We are part of nature and her soul!

  5. VJ

    Love this, Selma

  6. Colleen M. Chesebro

    This is so lovely, Selma. I agree about realigning and adjusting to nature’s flow. That’s where “life” truly exists. 🙏🏻

  7. memadtwo

    We’re as changeable as the skies! This has a wonderful flow Selma. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      She does. Yes 👍🏽 blessings, sweet one. Xoxo

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