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One-Liner Wednesday with Linda– Wise Proverb

Be humble, for you are made of dung;
be noble, for you are made of stars. ~ Serbian Proverb


Linda is the host of One-Liner Wednesday, and to her and everyone else who participates in the 1linerWeds, I want to gift this photo I took over the weekend on a stroll in the mountains. The lone flower called me over to ask me the time. *wink* She didn’t tell me her name, but I believe it’s Clematis. It was the largest I’d ever seen.

May 2021, by Author

The proverb and the photo are unrelated– or so they seem– but so are most things in life. But it occurs to me that like that flower, we are all precious in so many ways.

Thanks for reading my small contribution. And as always, I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Smitha V

    Beautiful photograph and a proverb that’s a good reminder not to stray. Thank you for sharing this Selma.

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