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Rainbow umbrella. Free public domain CC0 photo.

Has It Been A Month Since The Launch and Meet The Poet Interview?

A month ago, I was pretty busy wishing I was more prepared for everything that
was happening. I sat on Colleen Chesebro’s stage and hardly remember if I thanked
her enough.

Were you around then, my friend? In case you missed the interview, here is a rerun
to inspire and hopefully encourage you to do what I did.

And in case you’re wondering how In The Shadow of Rainbows is doing in the grownup
world, I’m happy to inform you that it placed at #1 in two categories: nature poetry and poetry of places.

And this success is directly linked to you.
Thanks so much.

Catch the interview there
and please leave me a comment here

Also, if you’re intrigued and wish to possess a copy of In The Shadow of Rainbows,
please click on the link below to preview the book on Amazon. Thank you.

Cover photo of poetry book.
Cover of In The Shadow of Rainbows; Photo by Kathryn A. LeRoy

“Rain comes from the ground, not clouds.
All my life, never will I not remember.”
~ excerpt from In The Shadow of Rainbows.

I bless you and wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. DAP

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    1. Selma Martin

      Thank you so much, dearest DAP. I bless you. Xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      I know, right? My head’s still spinning. Thanks, Maria.

    1. Selma Martin

      You brought me so much sweet joy with your words. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. I bless you, Dawn.
      Also read your poems at LR. Gorgeousness. Thanks for sharing those and congratulations. XoXo

    1. Selma Martin

      Cheryl, dearest. Thanks so much. Glad you liked that short quote

      Hope all’s well. Stay indoors. I bless you. XoXo

  2. Meelosmom

    I can’t believe the time has passed so fast.

    1. Selma Martin

      It has zoomed by so fast. My head’s still spinning. My body never caught up… xoxo 😉

  3. Kym Gordon Moore

    How awesome Selma! I know you are still hyped from the success you are receiving. Bravo girlfriend! 😍👏🏼😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Thanks, dearie. Got me still spinning like a top. 🙃 blessings.

  4. Ingrid

    I can’t believe it’s been a month already! And a huge thank you,
    my bandana arrived today 🥰🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww wonderful news about the bandana. So happy it landed in your mailbox at last. So happy.

      A month has passed—how fast. How slow. Thanks for everything. Blessings you. 👏🏽

  5. lynn__

    Selma, I enjoyed your interview with Colleen and happy to know about you, my poet friend! I like the pic of you and your besties on the beach and the gorgeous sunset photo you took. I believe Japan’s beauty has fed your soul. Blessings!

    1. Selma Martin

      It has filled my soul for sure. And thanks so much for being here in my hour of need. I couldn’t have done it without my team. You. Blessings. Xoxo. Let me know when you do the same. Xoxo

  6. Michele Lee

    Happy month anniversary! I have been devoting more time to my reading stack, excited to get to yours!

    1. Selma Martin

      A month indeed. So cool to have walked this way. Thanks for being so beautiful: to know, to talk to, to read. And thanks for my lovely prize 🏆 on the moving challenge. It has served me well. I have you to thank. Bless you. And Sammi too.

      1. Michele Lee

        Dear Selma, your comments read like a sweet handwritten letter. Your charm flows through your fingertips. Thank you. 💗

  7. byngnigel

    Time flies… and congratulations, Selma. Always happy to see fellow writers succeed. 👏👏❤

    1. Selma Martin

      You are sweet
      I also love to support others’ successes. We also bask in it one way or another. Thanks for being here. Bless you.

  8. memadtwo

    Excellent interview Selma. And congratulations on your success. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      K, you’re sweet. Thanks. Hope all’s well in your corner. It’s been so hot in mine. Stay in the shade, K. Receive my blessings and gratitude. XoXo

  9. michnavs

    Bless your good heart Selma…and oh, it has been a month now…geezz❤️❤️❤️ congratulations

    1. Selma Martin

      And you. Bless you too, accomplished lady. How fast the month oozed by. I cannot wait for FALL. hurry come! XoXo

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