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For Lynn from Selma

This one’s for you, Lynn. Have a glorious rest of the week.

Kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos)


“This unique Australian plant gets its name from its furry flower, which
is shaped just like a kangaroo’s paw. They’re often red in colour, but in
the wild their flowers can also range from green to pink, yellow and black.
They’re packed full of nectar, making them a high-energy food source for
lots of native birds, insects and mammals.

Apartment dwellers will be pleased to know that kangaroo paws are great
as pot plants as long as they’re situated somewhere nice and sunny!”


Bottlebrush (Callistemon)

I don’t know exactly which of the two. Or the difference. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s like
alligator and crocodile— the difference is in their snouts. But they
are both 🐊THAT MAMMAL.

The link:

It seems to bloom twice a year here: Now and in late fall when the season
turns to close to summer in Australia. It’s beautiful. I must get one.

Thanks for posing the question. I was happy to find out myself. Perhaps now
I’ll remember for the next time someone asks… I bless you and all who read this
and wish you miracles. xoxo

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Daphny Aqua

    We have lots of these back at home, we use it to make wreath during Goodfriday or funerals although we have these only in red.

    1. Selma Martin

      Did you know you’ve been missed? Yes. Missed. Glad to have you back. Hope all is well. Thanks for making a stop here. I appreciate you tons. Blessings.
      Glad you know this flower. The bees love it. Xoxo

      1. Daphny Aqua

        I know, I have been trying I really missed you all as well but sumituation here isn’t good at all.

        1. Selma Martin

          Daphny, Dearest. Sorry to hear things are not well. I don’t know what to say. Let me share a poem I read today:
          By Mark Nepo–
          “When knotted, we feel the tug, the pull, and all our attention goes to where we are tied.
          To free ourselves, we have to go to the spaces in the knot and breathe.
          Often, the difference between Heaven and Hell, is how a turtle slips beneath its weight into the water.”
          ~~ The Half-Life Of Angels by Mark Nepo. Page 16. (my newest Amazon purchase).

          I hope this poem helps in some small way to help you go to the spaces in the knot. And don’t forget to breathe. Blessing you.

          1. Daphny Aqua

            Thank you so much dear Selma! It’s been a blessing knowing I have friends wishing me well and praying for me ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Bridget. Thanks. So glad you saw it if only in a photo. Bless you. Have a great rest of the week.

  2. Kathryn LeRoy

    In Texas, we call it Bottlebrush. We’ve always had them in our garden. But I think I like kangaroo paw better. 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Bottlebrush sounds about right. I love this plant. It’s quite expensive here. Ornamental. One day I’ll save enough to purchase it. I like it so much. Kangaroo paw sounds good too. I guess it’s because it’s from Australia. And you know, kangaroos are typical of that lovely country. Only I cannot imagine the legs. Anyway. I don’t need to understand everything.
      Thanks my sweet. I appreciate your support and encouragement. I adore you. Xoxo

  3. rajkkhoja

    So beautiful flower. I like. I Frist time saw this flower on your post .

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s a beautiful flower. I am so happy you enjoy it. It’s kinda exotic. I love it. It’s the same one I posted yesterday.

      Thanks for reading and commenting. Blessings.

      1. rajkkhoja

        Really like. I read it post

  4. Oh, Selma, we had a bottlebrush tree at our old house. I would surely like to plant one here! <3

    1. Selma Martin

      Bottlebrush. I like that plant. But they’re so expensive. One day I will have one as well. xoxo <3

  5. lynn__

    Hi Selma! THANK YOU for researching this flower and posting in answer to my question…I learned something about the kangaroo paw/bottlebrush. I was curious and you are kind!

    1. Selma Martin

      Your lovely comment sent me in that direction. Thanks for the question. I was happy to do that. Bless you, Lynn.

  6. Bridgette

    What a really interesting plant! Thank you.

    1. Selma Martin

      You are welcome, Bridgette. I hope you also viewed the very short video with the bee delighting in it. xoxo

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