Encouragement: A Teaspoon of Gratitude and A Drizzle of Self-compassion

Sundae, Soondae, or Sunday…

  • encouragement sparkle
  • encouragement sparkle
  • encouragement sparkle
  • encouragement sparkle

For our new Sunday series, SundaeSoondae, or Serene Sunday, we add sparkles
to share encouragement for the upcoming week. I hope the shots bring you a glimmer
of light as we sail into the second half of the year.

And for those of you new to the blog, I’ll take this opportunity to share
‘about my debut poetry collection’ on Sundays:
sundae, soondae, or serene Sunday.

This week, a poem from In The Shadow of Rainbows:


Full of sulk, she loathes the boredom
all alone in her village home.
A bird chirps, and a baby coos:
sun-kissed strawberries, grilled-cheese blues.

She props the baby in the pram
beside them walks the newest lamb 
they sit under the poplar tree,
the babe, the lamb, a book, and she

And the daylight isn’t long enough
but her life is plentiful though tough
and the blazing orange yonder 
blesses her with awe and wonder

Wrapped in visions which come in dreaming
she glides through that bluing evening.
A lank, tan cat slinks languidly,
she walks behind it happily.

© Selma Martin
Poem on page 53 of
In The Shadow of Rainbows

Happy beginning to a new week.
I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Sadje

    A very happy and joyful week to you too my friend.

    1. Selma Martin

      I love the new week already. Recharging my batteries. Forest bathing. Be well dear Sadje. Blessings.

  2. Destiny

    “she walks behind it happily.”

    an amazing week you way, Selma.
    Thanks for this beautiful share🤍🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s my pleasure. Happy new week. Xoxo Destiny.

  3. Ingrid

    I love this one, Selma! 🐈

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so pleased you found it to your liking, Robbie. Happy new week.

        1. Selma Martin

          Thanks for sharing this link, Robbie. 💕 👏🏽 🥹 🙇🏽‍♀️

  4. byngnigel

    Have a great week Selma…image 4 was a helpful reminder.. and great poem 💙🙏

  5. Maria Michaela

    Great reminders and beautiful way to face a new week ahead. Thanks you, Selma

    1. Selma Martin

      My great pleasure. Stay sweet and happy new week Maria. Xoxo

  6. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    A beautiful start to my day, Selma! When I was 4 or 5 years old, we used to visit a farmer who allowed me to rock a new lamb in a rocking chair. This poem brought back those delightful visits. The family slept on feather beds and had a creek where I waded, chasing crayfish.

    Happy Sunday, Selma. <3 Have a great week!

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy to have played a tiny part in bringing that memory to the surface. Lovely story. Rock a lamb. Wow. Blessings dearest Cheryl.

  7. beth

    I love the poem and the sprinkles for the week

  8. Annika Perry

    An uplifting post, Selma and perfect reflections for me to take away this Sunday afternoon. The Mindful Recipe is fantastic and I love your poem – the wonders of nature creating joy and contentment within her.

    1. Selma Martin

      So pleased to hear, dearest Annika. May the new week be spectacular. Xoxot

    1. Selma Martin

      Dawn. Oh my. You’ve no idea what this means to me. I appreciate this kind gesture. I bless you for caring. You’ve made my new week extra special. Thank you from the bottom of my ever-expanding hearts xoxo

  9. rajkkhoja

    Very nice Sunday recipe. Very nice poem. You have go ahead New week. Selma.!

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Thanks sweet friend. You too have a fantastic new week. XoXo

      1. rajkkhoja

        You are most welcome!

  10. Belladonna

    Recipe for a mindful week!!! Love this so much.

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