You are currently viewing Day8 Glo/NaPoWriMo: From Humble Beginnings, The River of Life
All Rights Maureen Thorson

Day8 Glo/NaPoWriMo: From Humble Beginnings, The River of Life

Day Eight

on APRIL 8, 2022

Happy Friday, everyone, and happy eighth day of Na/GloPoWriMo.


Inconspicuous atop a mountain range
just where your walking boot heel bequeathed a dent
              a trickle of tears from a cloud baptized me
to give me a splashing genesis at life

in time I grew virulent, keen as a stream
               that scurried after winding, rugged terrain
the wind in my hair, on the journey downslope
             sent me past valleys, ridges, weed patches, bogs
great relish that swelled me propelled me down fast
                until my convoy and I met the river

by and by, my lungs augmented in spirit
                my flow sped so that I could no longer tell
where I ended, and its filament began
            but through some miraculous onset of sorts
conquered lands, eroded rocks & land around
               until we made canyons, valleys, and gorges
plants and wildlife gather around your river

               cities get constructed around your river
the river of life: essential to all life
            whose humble tortuous beginnings prospered
from a boot heel dent bequeathed up a mountain

© 2022 

Heads up, friends: Say hello to my very good friends linked to as the
featured participant of Day7: An Embarrassment of Riches. This poet writes
posts about doors and doorways and published a most spectacular post on
the proverbial prompt for the day. Please don’t miss it.

"And last but not least, here is our daily prompt (optional, as always).
Today’s prompt comes to us from this list of “all-time favorite writing
prompts.” It asks you to name your alter-ego, and then describe him/her
in detail. Then write in your alter-ego’s voice. Maybe your alter-ego is
a streetwise detective, or a superhero, or a very small goldfinch. Whoever
or whatever your alternate self may be, I hope this prompt lets you stretch both your writing skills and your self-knowledge."

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This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Kathryn LeRoy

    A pictured the boot heel scraping across the mountain to give space for the elixir of life-water.

    Thank you for sparking my mind’s eye.

  2. kim881

    Nicely done, Selma. That boot dent released a gush of a poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Kim. Glad you thought so. And congratulations to you on the wonderful mention. Totally cool, you. xoxo

  3. Manja Maksimovič

    Ahh, Selma, you’re such a good fairy. <3 Thank you so much for linking to my door poem and for being a fan. You've got quite a creation here yourself. "Keen as a stream", oh yes, you are.

    1. Selma Martin

      You are a gem, that is why. And I happen to like you a ton. Be well xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Ah, you… You have fat thumbs too? Don’t worry, I know what that’s like. hahaha. Thanks for commenting. Love you.

    1. Selma Martin

      I do like to know what you think, Jeff. Thanks for reading and happy writing to you. One day I will be all caught up. (in my dreams, maybe)

      1. Jeff Flesch

        Thank you, Selma. You’re most welcome. It’s always my pleasure to be here and to read you. Ah, if you get caught up, please do tell us the secret. 🙂

  4. Nope, Not Pam

    Wow, that was quite the journey. Beautifully written

    1. Selma Martin

      I appreciate your comment, Deb. Thanks, my sweet. Glad you enjoyed it.

  5. Ingrid

    I really identify with your words here, Selma, as I travel to enjoy the wild country of my youth! 🥾 🌳 ⛰

    1. Selma Martin

      So glad to hear this. Continue savoring it and bring it all back with you. Blessings.

  6. Sunra Rainz

    I love this rugged journey you took. Makes me wish to do the same right now. Love these lines in particular:

    “in time I grew virulent, keen as a stream”

    “my lungs augmented in spirit”


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