Hello @selmawrites, helloselmawrites
What to do, what to do? Do nothing¡!
What to do, what to do? Do nothing¡!
This Happened To Me: Thank You, Susi, The Short Of It—It can happen to you too.
There is so much to be grateful for. Here are a few of my beautiful things.
There is always something to be thankful for. I am thankful for YOU. Happy October.
When you carry a story of hope and resilience in your heart, you want to share it with others.
Have you seen the nominees for the Best of the Net 2025, as recognized by Sundress Publications? Please take a look. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
The last day of August—at last! Gratitude for all the seasons. BTW, at the time of scheduling this post, we got precious rain in buckets full. Phew... Thank you , August.
“What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, Star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air.” ~ Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Hello dear people, how are you? As I indicate in the title, this post is to boast...and I would have done so days ago if I'd only been aware of…
"We aspire to create a collectiveof lone voicesandmake them heard."~ Lit eZine* NOTE: Except for the enthusiasm I share and the words in the poem, mostof what I express in…
This is my letter to the WorldThat never wrote to Me—The simple News that Nature told—With tender Majesty Her Message is committedTo Hands I cannot see—For love of Her—Sweet—countrymen—Judge tenderly—of…