Read more about the article Zuchon And The Fish: #1letterperweek Completion
You see it too, right? There in the break in the storm clouds: a Zuchon pup playing with a fish. Yup! Photo by Selma.

Zuchon And The Fish: #1letterperweek Completion

A standing ovation to my friend Deb of nope, not pam website. She blessed us with fantastic illustrations in her A-Z project. To honor her, I'm contributing to letter Z with a photo and poem. Happy Spring, Australia!

Read more about the article Garden Poetry: Babying Crepe Myrtle, Coaxing Her Explode With Color
Sarusuberi: Crepe Myrtle Tree. Photo by Selma

Garden Poetry: Babying Crepe Myrtle, Coaxing Her Explode With Color

Sarusuberi, as it's known in Japan-- which means Monkey's slide for its smooth barkless trunk-- regaled me with color last month, but I soon discovered holes in her rough trunk-- defeating its moniker. (No monkeys will ever slide off this one). Here's a poem for my tree.

Read more about the article Lily, Lilium, My Lilibet
Lily, Lilium: The Real Lily Photo by Selma

Lily, Lilium, My Lilibet

In her dVerse pub prompt, Poetics: There's a Word For That, Mish asks if I suffer from logolepsy. Funny! No, I don't suffer from it; I relish in it: love the foreignness of the words in my mouth. Do you suffer? I chose 3 words. Read to see how I used them. xo

Read more about the article You Giggle When You Nibble On Twittles
Yummy. These are from Basque Country, the gastronomic travel destination: Image by Richard Thiel from Pixabay Thanks.

You Giggle When You Nibble On Twittles

got twittles in my basket stars in the Michelin Guide Basque and I will profit this foodie's satisfied Find out more, join the party & get your twittles on.

Read more about the article Lovelit: A ha’sonnet
Author's album: For luck in the new year.

Lovelit: A ha’sonnet

Star light, Star bright, Peeking through The thick of night One beam To me throw To ignite Love tonight