Giving Back: Insight Into One Poem Shared with Author Drema Drudge
In July 2023, In The Shadow of Rainbows debuted on Amazon and I receivedirreplaceable support from this WordPress community. In that light, I'd like tolend support to a few of…
In July 2023, In The Shadow of Rainbows debuted on Amazon and I receivedirreplaceable support from this WordPress community. In that light, I'd like tolend support to a few of…
“What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, Star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air.” ~ Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Landslides. Flooding. Lives have been lost. I happen to feel depressed about the havoc the rains have caused us here in Japan. The symbolism is strong. And I pray: More miracles, please.
Eyes are for looking Eyes are for looking And seeing sun Tongues are for greeting And saying fun Legs are for walking slowly And also run Hands are for shaking…
Written for The Skeptic's Kaddish writing challenge posted on May 22, 2024where the PoM is Suzanne. (thanks for the lovely prompt, Suzanne). Okie dokie ~ Let’s do this thing! I. The…
Yesterday, basking in good weather & on how well I felt after hibernating for so long,I walked to the train station and visited my second-hand bookstore three stationsdown. Purchased one…
This week’s W3 is now live, pardners 😉 and it’s hosted by our wonderful PunamSharma! Please click on the link. This week the challenge is to write a Palindrome…
Friends, I wanted to recite this one into my phone but found something better.Please enjoy. Starts at 4:28 YouTube: Image by Melanie from Pixabay, Retouched on Canva Thanks for being here.…
How many sunsets, how many sunrises are in the span of 33 years? And how do you measure it?
Food's sacred. Growing up, we never went without, never mocked or wasted it. Today, It breaks my heart to see how food's wasted when families are going hungry on the planet. How did this happen? Is food not comforting?
In moments of great anxiety and enfeebling grief, conjure up that special place that brings you joy. Soar, then watch the enfeebling emotions flutter, drift off, and shift into nothing. Find joy.
Written for24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 31, 4/23/24, Part I, Grain Rain(April 19 – May 4) Koku 穀雨 APRIL 23, 2024TANKATUESDAY CHALLENGES SHARING: Golden week is the perennial holiday…