New Lyricist: Cajole, Conjure, Create
Cajole, Conjure, Create: Won’t you take a look? At Lulu…
Cajole, Conjure, Create: Won’t you take a look? At Lulu…
“O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful wonderful! and yet again wonderful . . . ” ~ William Shakespeare *** the baby criesand all the hills echowonderful, wonderful! ©️ selmamartin Sunday,…
This Happened To Me: Thank You, Susi, The Short Of It—It can happen to you too.
Three Tanka in one post on the butterfly effect on all existential battles. Respect All Life!
Let me tell you about the town that raised me. New post Scheduled at Masticadores USA today.
Honeysuckle Heat, A novella by Michele Lee Sefton: Captivating in every way.
Lune: Come read my first lune. Very short. And complementing with a stream of consciousness section. Thanks for reading.
keep kicking sisters, travel higher nothing can cloud the beacon inside chest up--don't flout that private lantern you didn't come this far to yield now
Carbon footprints Measure the weight Of daily deeds Unplug, switch off Think mindfulness Think CO2 Think -- Green energy!
Creative non-fiction: A soliloquy on the family reunion I was not invited to but to which I was the guest of honor; the life of the party. Go figure!