Got a Few Minutes For A Worthy Essay?
This essay is long. Please read when you have time. I’m sure you’ll be glad when you do.
This essay is long. Please read when you have time. I’m sure you’ll be glad when you do.
I like snow in moderation. Perhaps we’ll get snowed in this weekend.
We wait, we prepare, we wait for the next move, we are waiting.
"There is one spectacle grander than the sea,That is the sky;There is one spectacle grander than the sky,That is the interior of the soul."~ Victor Hugo "It's such a "grand"thingto…
A most beautiful poem and a photography book recommendation I wish to share with You, my lovely. Today, Watson rests.
Three Tanka in one post on the butterfly effect on all existential battles. Respect All Life!
Exploring the American Sentences. Sharing a photography book I highly recommend. I say NO to AI in the arts.
... trying a series of American sentences. Please read.
Attempting three prompts with a non-conforming rebellious feeling for the end of the month. Happy Samhain my friends. And Happy Diwali too.
There is always something to be thankful for. I am thankful for YOU. Happy October.