It’s Okay If Your Self-Care Is Not Hip or Trendy
Sleeping in on Wednesday staying in on Friday taking breaks more often leaving your phone behind... What does self-care look like to you?
Sleeping in on Wednesday staying in on Friday taking breaks more often leaving your phone behind... What does self-care look like to you?
A sonnet and a short story about a beloved pet named Argos. Written for W3. Thanks for reading.
For today I've chosen to write for you a gogyohka. Please read deep into it and I hope you like it.
I'm so honored to have my prose poem published at The HOTEL of broken hearts today. Thanks so much. xo
A Poem inspired by one or two Marc Chagall art pieces. Thanks for visiting us in the sky. I hope all your sunsets are real.
Do you know what your Spiritual Animal is? Read here to take the quiz. This post is written for Tanka Tuesday's poetry prompt No.322, Enjoy.
A short poem with a nesting place at the lovely Masticadores USA. Thank you so much for having me. #masticadoresusa #poetry
Are animals acting like animals? Or are we acting like animals? Dunno. But it was fun writing this one.
"We are simply a constellation of bodies swirling in a giant golden teacup of human magic." —Kym Moore, Author of We Are Poetry: Lessons I Didn't Learn in a Textbook.
How amazing it is that we can still remember things that happened long ago. How amazing! May we never forget.
A day in the life: “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”~ Viktor Frankl 💗 👏 💃🏼 🎶 ☔️ 🐦