Adorned in Slumber Kisses
earthenedthey let themselveslet go and gently landon the face of her who fed them—mother,energy drained — her turn to sleepbut not till her offspringkiss their goodnightsgrateful Copyright ©️ selma Form:…
earthenedthey let themselveslet go and gently landon the face of her who fed them—mother,energy drained — her turn to sleepbut not till her offspringkiss their goodnightsgrateful Copyright ©️ selma Form:…
We wait, we prepare, we wait for the next move, we are waiting.
"There is one spectacle grander than the sea,That is the sky;There is one spectacle grander than the sky,That is the interior of the soul."~ Victor Hugo "It's such a "grand"thingto…
“O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful wonderful! and yet again wonderful . . . ” ~ William Shakespeare *** the baby criesand all the hills echowonderful, wonderful! ©️ selmamartin Sunday,…
Do you know about the kami-no-ku and shimo-no-ku in TANKA? Here's a very brief intro: At Masticadores USA.
A poem I found to help you find a little beauty today— please enjoy.
This Happened To Me: Thank You, Susi, The Short Of It—It can happen to you too.
A most beautiful poem and a photography book recommendation I wish to share with You, my lovely. Today, Watson rests.
Three Tanka in one post on the butterfly effect on all existential battles. Respect All Life!
Exploring the American Sentences. Sharing a photography book I highly recommend. I say NO to AI in the arts.