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Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

Awakening from Zerrissenheit– Life Reimagined

Zerrissenheit is a German word that means strife, disunity, fragmentation, brokenness, disjointedness, inner turmoil, inner conflict. In short, it is being out of the vortex.

Most of the time something is blocking the good vibrations from coming in. People out of vortex often feel hopeless, fearful, and annoyed.

By contrast, being in the vortex is fantastic.

“Being in the vortex means you’re at one with who you really are, you’re feeling fab, and in vibrational alignment to your desires. It’s represented by feelings like enthusiasm, inspiration, passion, joy, and appreciation.” ~ Jeannette Maw Blog–the goodvibe website .


Photo by Mick Pollard on Unsplash

It doesn’t take much to put us in a state of discontent these days as every other world event brings plenty to overwhelm and put one out of the vortex. As if the pandemic wasn’t enough, the threatening presence of hate — that sinister ‘state of dislocation’ that suggests that something is broken in our humanity — runs rampage.

What disillusionment; what hurt for all of us.

But where hate is present, love is missing. And when love is absent we all fall out of the vortex. In the following alphabet poem, I envisaged us all finally awakening to a reality that I wish to see in our world.

In that reality, the presence of love is already sweeping away some of the hurtful things that are not of love. And I see that soon love will be the only thing standing.

Thats’ the hope.

An Abecedarian Poem

 And then almost broken, an Awakening
 Bouquets of bitterness will not get you through to the end
 Crepuscular animal in the twilight, you're jarred to reconsider
 Deepening brightness you never knew could happen in the dark
 Ever the predator who formed illusions to strengthen your misconceptions
 Finally, the sunbeam that's found an opening to shine through
 Gyrates you slowly, tenderly. You feel nostalgic
 Heaven bound, as if in your mother's arms once more
 Inch by inch you surrender. You're going higher
 Juices of knowledge seeped deep in assimilation flow
 Kiltered — you're in kilter. Make no mistaking
 Love has righted your skewed lenses to lead you home
 Mist parting, showing you the way the deeper you dare to venture
 Never one to steer you wrong, Love is always the right choice
 Opens portals in crevices where none existed
 Prisms arise from surfaces you never knew were angled so
 Quips drop, your being knows the lightness of just being
 Righting the curve that was eating at your core
 Straight you stand, an inexorable force of goodness
 Tenacious. Your resolve etched in your demeanor
 Unhesitating in Nirvana you stay committed
 Vibrational alignment to Source energy. In the vortex
 Whopping, warm tears start streaming down your cheeks
 Xenial to all
 Year of collective awareness — don't let it pass you
 Zealed and zenned, no more Zerrissenheit. You’re whole again.

© 2021


Photo: Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay 
Photo: Photo by Mick Pollard on Unsplash

As always, I Wish You Miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. da-AL

    great post. we must always keep our sights on a happy, meaningful life 🙂

  2. Ingrid

    I also hope that love will be the only thing standing: it’s all that matters in the end ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s totally possible if we work on getting it right collectively. May it be the last thing standing. Please.
      I appreciate your visit. xo

  3. WildChild47

    I really like how you started the poem off – the first 3 lines – just lovely, paints the scene, the picture and then you just bring us along on this “light/love” journey …..

    reading this felt quite a bit like reading in prep for a meditation session, or a healing cleanse/reminder thing/journey – oh dear, I’m getting all “new/dewy age” here … but that’s not what I mean; life is hard – crazy, “stupid” hard – and before light comes in, well, in order to “see it” – to know it, to experience/ be it, you have to be in the dark; the dark is hard, but it’s also a gift. So we must do the Samsara thing and I think, really, perhaps the only thing that might be useful – is to Choose to Allow: Choose to Allow Light/Love – to come. Then it’s a wait, see and believe thing. One finely tuned note at a time. To Be it, as much as we’re able, every day.

    So wishing you Light/Love, Peace + Joy – Bright Blessings + Miracles. Always.

  4. bodypositivefemme

    Your words of wisdom as always wrapped in love. My favourite pill to swallow.

    Love, Ann❤

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re sweet. Glad this one spoke to you. Thanks for the encouragement. Stay sweet.

  5. SamSahana

    The abecedarian poem needs to be in our English textbooks! It’s the best of anything I’ve read- super brilliant and enchanting. Loved the imagery in it, with a little tale being born out of every letter of the alphabet. Being out of the vortex is scary indeed. Love can bind us all together, the same way hate can unbind us. “I see that soon love will be the only thing standing.”- With people like you, yes! 💖
    Another brilliant post. Had a smile from the positive message conveyed. Super lovely!! 🤍 I’m copying your phrase here- I wish you miracles 😁 (I really do! Wishing you rainbows and unicorns and beautiful dreams!).

    1. Selma Martin

      Ah, you say the nicest things to me. I bless you 😇

      And you’re so right: love binds just as hate unbinds.
      When you believe something hard enough you change the frequency of things you want to change: I believe this.

      Thanks for reading, dear
      Sam. Be well.

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