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Creative woman psychedelic art graffiti, Cyprus - 02/21/2017

And In That Moment, Somewhere A Band Was Playing

Hello friends, today I wish to tackle two prompts:

#What Do You See, #204 with Sadje at Keep It Alive, AND
#W3, #73 Wea’ve Written Weekly with David of Skeptic’s Kaddish Website.
Please visit the sites for clarity and to see details if you wish to participate.
(I hope you do)


Somewhere a band was playing—
an easy evening of reflection
holding congress with her imagination
sitting southwest with her peace
in her sunflower yard of childhood.

There in the pauses they soared,
lingering themselves into noontime
and she felt the horse in her head
slow down to a sinuous trot through
the shadows of faraway forests.

Sunflowers raised round clock faces
to schedule their sway to the music
and the teapot that sat on the table*
levitated and poured for her
tea to complement the magic.

“And in that moment, I swear we were infinite,”* 
she sighed, and siphoned a whiplash of memory.
And she suffered immense tranquility
as she sat southwest with her soul
while somewhere a band was playing.

© selma

Prompt of September 20th

And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.–Stephen Chbosky (b. 1970), The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Prompt of September 18th

Image credit; Joni Ludlow Unsplash

I hope you enjoyed my creative expression today as it was written with
you in mind (on this hot September day).

There are two places you need to go often QUOTE
tinybuddha quote

“Aye, where are they—
the songs of September?
As we cross the meridian into Fall?”

~ IN THE SHADOW OF RAINBOWS: Songs of September

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 72 Comments

  1. Sadje

    A beautiful poem Selma. Love it’s peaceful and magical vibes. Thanks for joining in.

    1. Selma Martin

      The pleasure is absolutely mine. Thanks, Sadje. Hope it’s cool in your area.
      Hope it cools for us soon too. Xoxo

      1. Sadje

        It not cool yet very cooler than before! We’d wait at least another month for better weather.

  2. Kajal

    Beautiful imaginary, Selma.
    I see the last paragraph… Perks of being a wallflower is one of my favourite books.

    1. Selma Martin

      You know Kajal, I don’t know that book. Wow. I should read it. Thanks for saying. Glad you found this beautiful. Xo

  3. byngnigel

    Lovely, soothing energy to the poem, Selma. 💕

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so pleased to hear you say that.

      BTW, your reading of Michele’s poem on IG was stellar. I loved that poem too. And mentioned it in my review. Xoxo. Thanks, Sir. XoXo

      1. byngnigel

        Oh thank you Selma. Yes that poem really resonates with many readers.
        And you’re welcome. I enjoy your writing. 👏👏

  4. Anonymous

    Enjoyed reading your poem.

  5. Jennifer Pentland

    Beautiful, Selma! 💕Oh, how enchanting it is to imagine a scene with sunflowers raised round clock faces, swaying in perfect harmony to the rhythm of the music! It’s as if nature itself is orchestrating a beautiful symphony. 🌻🎶👏

    1. Selma Martin

      You got it, my sweet. It’s enchanting and I know you of all people can paint just such a scene.

      😉 😉

      Thanks for reading. I can see your inner eye move 💕 Bless you. Xoxo

  6. rajkkhoja

    Nice written. I enjoy reading poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks Raj. I wish you tranquility like that. Blessings.

      1. rajkkhoja

        Thanks, Selma!

    1. Selma Martin

      You are the sweetest for saying that, Annette. Thanks for gaining all that from this poem today. Xo

  7. Maria Michaela

    A wonderful moment. I imagined myself to be the one described here excited for the weekend to come 😊😁

    1. Selma Martin

      It was you! So honored to hear you say that. All the best. May the weekend come fast. Xoxo

  8. beth

    wonderful response

  9. memadtwo

    You have indeed captured a moment–we can all use such tranquility in our lives. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      We can all use more tranquility in our lives. I wish it for all. Thanks for appreciating the poem like you did. Xoxo 🤗

  10. Selma Martin

    I wish to know who the Anonymous commenter is so I could respond…

  11. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    Delightful whimsey and imagination, Selma. I like the Tiny Buddha quote. A very uplifting post! 🙂

    Yesterday, I posted the poem inspired by your poem and photo of a beautiful grave. Thank you for the inspiration, and I hope you will like the poem. <3

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh yes, I read your poem. It was precious indeed. So happy you did that. Thanks for sharing it.
      That tiny Buddha is lovely indeed.
      Thanks for your lovely comments every time. Bless you. Xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re sweet for saying. Glad you came. Thanks for commenting. You’re sweet xoxo

  12. ben Alexander

    to complement the magic.

    Wow, Selma… “to complement the magic” of this beautiful poem of yours, I’d say!!

    Much love,

    1. Selma Martin

      David. Glad this touched you. So kind of you my dear one. I appreciate you. Xoxo

  13. poetisatinta

    A moment in time captured so beautifully Selma, I love it 💞

      1. michnavs

        What a brilliant use of two prompts Selma. I lovr the imagery here too❤️❤️

        1. Selma Martin

          Thanks for reading and appreciating this poem, Mich. blessings.

  14. poetisatinta

    A moment captured so beautifully Selma, I love it 💞

  15. Michele Lee

    A creative and delightful merging of two prompts. Bravo, talented writer! I am close to finishing your collection, Selma. A few more poems to go. I believe I found “mine.” Or it found me. 😊💗

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re sweet for saying…
      Close. Yay! Music to my soul. I hope you drop me a review 🙏 to let me know your poem found you. Thanks beforehand. Xoxo bless you.

      1. Michele Lee

        You are welcome, sweet Selma. If all goes as planned, I will mention your collection in my post tomorrow. Maybe a reading too. 😊😘

        1. Selma Martin

          Really? I hope all goes well 👏🏽
          Thanks beforehand. XoXo

  16. murisopsis

    I love circular verse! This one was delightful!

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh wow. Then thanks so much. Blessings on your day. Xoxo

  17. Deepthy

    “sitting southwest with her peace
    in her sunflower yard of childhood.”
    Such delightful imagery, Selma! I think your take is as ethereal as the quote. Fantastic job tackling two prompts at once! 🤗❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for saying, Deepthy. I’m happy I participated bro your prompt. Lovely. XoXo

  18. Melissa Lemay

    So many wonderful words.

    “and she felt the horse in her head
    slow down to a sinuous trot through
    the shadows of faraway forests.”

    My favorite.💚

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for pointing that out, my lovely. Let’s all slow our horses down. A bit. 😉 blessings

  19. Cindy Georgakas

    love the combined poems so well done with beautiful imagery as always Selma💓

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re so sweet, my friend. Thanks for appreciating this one. Blessings on your Sunday. Xoxo

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        It’s so true and glad you could enjoy the deserved framing ior your work Selma💓

  20. wordsandcoffee1

    I love how it returns to the band at the end. Lovely poem!

    1. Selma Martin

      So pleased with your observation to like it. Thanks so much. XoXo

  21. sgeoil

    There is such an easy feeling to this poem. A narrator without regrets.

  22. Deepthy

    Hi! I’ve chosen you as this week’s PoW! I thought your response was quite lovely and really captured the quote in its essence. Looking forward to your prompt soon! ❣️

    1. Selma Martin

      Moi!? Are you sure?

      … well, thanks. Oh wow.

      1. Deepthy

        Haha, absolutely! There were quite a few amazing poems, but I feel like the quote resonated the most here 🤗🙌

  23. ben Alexander

    Hi, Selma!

    Mazal tov on being selected as this week’s W3 host! I have sent you an email to se…[email protected] ~ if you haven’t received it (sometimes my emails end up in people’s spam folders), please contact me directly at:


    Thanks so much,
    Much love,

  24. lesleyscoble

    I certainly did enjoy your creative expression, Selma! The whole poem is wonderful. 🩷

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