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Photo by Ray Bilcliff on

Thank You, HOTEL by Masticadores: Great Wisdom You Can Steal From The Lighthouse

Hotel de los corazones rotos–The hotel of broken hearts

Hello, my precious Readers. Every day brings me more instances that make my cup
run over with gratitude. I’m grateful to J.Re Crivello, Editor in Chief of Gobblers &
Masticadores, Barcelona, Spain, and The Hotel of Broken Hearts, for publishing my
poem in his lovely online literary magazine.

No one who achieves success does so without
the help of others. The wise and confident
acknowledge this help with gratitude.
” ~ Alfred North Whitehead.

decorative paragraph separator/divider
A Poem 

Lighthouse in tranquil morning
might be seen in serene sea
Standing pensive, patient, sapiential--

Does the sea belong to it?

Lighthouse in tempestuous winds
might be...

Please continue reading the rest of the poem at
The Hotel Of Broken Hearts, please.

The Hotel:

I’d be so honored knowing you did.
Thanks in advance. I bless you.
I wish you miracles.

Featured Photo by Ray Bilcliff on
Divider Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Congratulations dear friend

  2. dailyblogsdose


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