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dVerse Prompt: Alma Thomas, Arboretum Presents White Dogwood, (1972), acrylic on canvas, Smithsonian American Art Museum

Writing Something Beautiful for dVerse Pub

Kousa Dogwood 

your rough bark animates my
yard at all times
the symbol of you fires me
as days drag on 
your cover of branches shades
my patio 
your crowned hair awakens me
to the new spring
red berries that linger, a
wildlife rapture that fattens
my feathered friends 
my cozy Kousa Dogwood: 
at home in mountains, forests
or in paintings
as much as in my own backyard

© selma

Inspired by Melissa from Mom With a Blog, Melissa who hosts Quadrille at dVerse this
week: a beautiful colorful prompt. All artwork by Alma Thomas, artwork at the Whitney
Museum of American Art / Archives of American Art. Read more about Alma Thomas

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I don’t have a dogwood tree in my yard but I might one day. I found the conviviality of
the artwork of the dogwood tree forest very Hygge (cozy) and loved imagining one in
my yard already. (More accessible than the painting, I’m sure). Stellar artwork. Loved
them all. Thanks for the prompt.

Which of the art pieces spoke to you?

Thanks so much for reading mine. I bless you. XO 🎐

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. Suzette Benjamin

    What a beautiful scene of serenity your poem paints, Selma.
    “The symbol of you fires me as the days drag on”…wonderful feelings to those words. Well done!

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so pleased with this lovely comment, dear Suzette. Happy the poem brought you serenity. xo

  2. beth

    how calming and lovely, selma

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. hugs. Happy to you it was calming. I was going for something like that. Blessings, always Beth.

  3. VJ

    Lovely. Trees make such wonderful companions.

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, they do. Indeed. They provide shade, companionship and energy too. xoxo. Bee cool… thanks, VJ.

      1. VJ

        You are welcome

  4. Beautiful tribute to the kousa dogwood; you may not have one in your yard but I do and it’s as lovely as your quadrille. 🌸

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh my! so happy for you… a bit jealous but more happy to know this. Wow. That’s truly something. A yearly pleasure that lasts all year long. Nothing is better. Wow.

  5. Sadje

    A beautiful tribute to the dogwood trees

    1. Selma Martin

      Glad at what the lovely artpiece and prompt inspired. Thanks, Sadje

      1. Sadje

        You’re welcome ☺️

  6. Melissa Lemay

    I explored different types of dogwood tree as I thought about her painting, and it was, in fact, inspired by a Japanese dogwood. I am happy the painting spoke to you. All her work is very beautiful. I enjoyed that you confirmed “a wildlife rapture” “at home in mountains, forests
    or in paintings
    as much as in my own backyard”
    I like that you imagine it there with you and give it one more home.❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      It was a jolly good prompt, dear Melissa. Thank you. And to know it was inspired by a Japanese dogwood makes me happy too. Yay. Blessings. Bee cool–well cooler than you already are, Mom with a blog. xoxo

  7. Pooja G

    I’d love to have a yard with a dogwood tree too, they’re so beautiful. And lovely poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      Yeah, its wonderful to imagine right. They are really so beautiful. Thanks for reading and commenting, Pooja dear. Bless you.

  8. Laura Bloomsbury

    a gorgeous ode to a favourite tree Selma – native to your part of the world of course

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, native to this area. Isn’t it also cool that the painting was inspired by the Japanese dogwood? I just found out. Wow. Lovely. That’s why that one spoke to me. Thanks, Laura. xoxo

  9. memadtwo

    And you animate the artwork. Lovely, Selma. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, the best compliment by far. I will take it with open arms. Thanks, K. xoxo

  10. jonicaggiano

    Lovely poem, Selma. I also love the dogwood and it is North Carolina’s State tree and they grow all over the place even in the wild. They are a beautiful tree, whose flowers and tree are both the State tree and State Flower, of Virginia, where we moved to almost exactly a year ago. It was also the State tree of North Carolina where we moved from. Your poem was lovely Selma, thank you for sharing with us. Big hugs and love, Joni

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Wonderful to know this, dear friend. Blessings.

  11. pvcann

    I get and love a bark that animates a yard.

  12. dorahak

    Such a rapturous homage to the dogwood, Selma. I especially love this description: “your crowned hair awakens me
    to the new spring” — Perfect.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much, Dora. 🤗 for your comment on the dogwood tree. Blessings.

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