You are currently viewing Will To Quell: What Do You See
WDYS May 06th, 2024: Image credit; Marianna Smiley @ Unsplash “Thrive” by Danial Pooper a sculpture in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Will To Quell: What Do You See

This post is written for Sadje for the WDYS prompt.
Please visit the Keep it Alive Website.

Sadje says: For the visually challenged reader, this image shows a giant female
figure who is opening her chest to show the greenery inside. There are cracks on
the visage and torso of this sculpture.

How can we quell this atrocity? By quell, I mean eradicate it once and
forever–not just to quiet it. This kind of war, happening under one roof,
under the eyes of other women is the bane of misery.
I wish I had an answer or a cure. God save us!

Japanese lady crying drawing, vintage
cHJpdmF0ZS9sci9pbWFnZXMvd2Vic2l0ZS8yMDIyLTA1L2pvYjcxNS0xOTEtdi5qcGc Openverse

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Sadje

    This cycle of complacency has to stop and women need to stand up for each other. A very important point raised in your poem Selma. Thanks for joining in.

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s a deep rooted disempowering thing… AND Women have their loyalties in limbo.
      Made to feel damned if they do speak up for the girls. And berated by the masses and their menfolks too.
      And most likely they themselves suffered similarly. It’s a very sad cycle. It must be broken! Women supporting women!!
      Thanks, Sadje. I went dark on this one because I’ve seen it happen in some circles. Bless you

      1. Sadje

        I’ve also seen it happen and recently read an account of an abuse/ harassment incident where women were not only complacent but actively abetting. This indeed had to stop

        1. Selma Martin

          It must stop!

          Thanks Sadje. For adding to the conversation.

  2. rajkkhoja

    Amazing sculpture, Greenery in the chest. Beautiful words written in poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks dearly Raj. Hope this doesn’t happen around you. It’s too sad to carry this burden.
      Be well. Blessings.

  3. HI Selma, I have always believed that other women are the biggest threat and obstacle to equality for women and the biggest supporters of the downfall and suppression of their own sex.

    1. Selma Martin

      Nurture is a big thing I think.
      Also, Women have their loyalties in limbo. Made to feel damned if they do speak up for the girls. And berated by the masses and their menfolks too. Most likely, they themselves suffered similarly. It’s a very sad cycle. It must be broken! Women supporting women is the only way. A little rebellion is necessary. May we all get it right soon.
      The poem “Sentencing” in my debut collection came from the same feeling. I feel terrible this is still a thing. I pray for women everywhere every day.
      Thanks for the comment, Robbie.

      1. It is a terrible thing, Selma, and abuse of women and children is still huge in Africa 💚

        1. Selma Martin

          It’s shattering and an insult to all of us. May it quell in our lifetime. Thanks, Robbie.

  4. beth

    we need to empower women to stand up for themselves and other women. it will be a superpower

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes. Yes. A real superpower. Need to reevaluate “fidelity”

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, Maggie. Need to raise awareness to this misplaced fidelity to not go against what’s instinctively correct. Hope we get there soon.
      Thanks for reading and appreciating. Xoxo

  5. Cindy Georgakas

    Painfully powerful, Selma raising consciousness always.. Kudos to you💕

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for this subtle vote of confidence my friend. Yes, always wanting to make a dent in the system. Bless you

  6. memadtwo

    So much is hidden away and not spoken of. Even when exposed, often the woman is blamed. I don’t know what the answer is… (k)

    1. Selma Martin

      Often the woman is blamed. True. It’s a difficult situation

  7. Belladonna

    This is exactly why women have to stand with one another. So wonderful Selma.

  8. Dawn Pisturino

    I agree – it’s doubly horrible when other women condone it.

    1. Selma Martin

      😔 but I think this mother is under the grips of oppression too. A sad situation. I wish I had a good solution. It’s doubly horrible like you point out. Xoxo

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