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Image: Openverse. Free champagne sparkling wine image

When Summer Comes On Too Strong

When my keenness for food dwindles,

nature’s produce isle sits outside
from kale and lettuce to new sprouts
carotenoids turn to Vit-A
protects the skin from UV rays
strengthens skin’s guard against the sun
the best part is salads can be
dressed with fruits, legumes, or tofu
—cool elegance that is toothsome
when my keenness for food dwindles

Copyright © selma 2024

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a summer gal, and though my appetite dwindles
in the summertime, I do consume enough garden veggies–straight from our little
garden patch, lots of buckwheat noodles, and copious amounts of fish. And on occasion
agree to join my husband at an outdoor diner for dinner in Tokyo. Which is what I did
this week. The biggest perk is the cool hour-long train ride into Tokyo when I can
read undisturbed. I do need to set myself a timer, though–otherwise, I’d go past Tokyo.
I usually set it to three stations before… On the menu, salads!

Yokosuka Line
Nishi-Ōi, Shinagawa,
Shimbashi, Tokyo

close all books and get ready:
Champagne and Tokyo Salad.

Copyright © selma 2024
kigo: salads

🥂✍🏽Please scroll down for more goodies🥂✍🏽

Free colorful fresh salad image
Image: Openverse. Free colorful fresh salad image

In response to the syllabic prompt #45 at Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday

AND, In response to Punam’s Prompt on W3 #118, hosted by David

AND, in response to Mark’s Week #31 Haiku Invitation to write a haiku or senryu
about how you deal with the heat and humidity.

sitting by the fan
with a cold beer in my hand
watching the Olympics
the Olympians wave
for a pocket of minutes
life is perfection
the air is humid
my kimono tells me so
I don’t need that chart
Hi Mom, she mouthed–
Moms the world over smile.
The Paris Olympics.

Copyright © selma 2024

It is Hot AND Humid!

even the windchimes are quiet

Free champagne sparkling wine image
THIS ONE’S FOR YOU, FRIENDS. Image: Openverse.


Selma Martin
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This Post Has 54 Comments

  1. Cheryl Batavia

    Many things in this post spoke to me, Selma: suffering in the heat, the lovely summer salad, your little garden with its healthful vegetables, reading on the train, careful not to miss your stop.

    In college in DC, I used to study on the bus and on the train , and I often missed my stop! 🤣

    1. Selma Martin

      Careful not to miss my stop ☝🏽 ⏰
      It’s easy to miss it — unlike before, now we have a way to warn us.
      So glad with your comment dear Cheryl. Thanks my friend. Xoxo

  2. [email protected]

    Hi Selma, lovely poems. I’m not watching the Olympics 🌺. Nothing stops me eating, hot, cold or in between.

    1. rajkkhoja

      Beautiful you sharing champagne sparkling wine image.
      When Summer Comes On Too Strong. Very nice & interesting written poem, Selma! Sitting by the fan
      with a cold beer in my hand
      watching the Olympics!
      When I watch sports games eating, hot, cold or in between.

      1. Selma Martin

        Thanks Raj. Happy you keep your appetite intact, like Robbie 😉 bless you.

    2. Selma Martin

      Glad you keep good appetite, dear Robbie. Don’t forget to get your drink 😘 bless you

  3. Sadje

    Very healthy habits Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy you think so, Sadje. Fall is my best season for eating. 🥣

  4. beth

    great way to deal with summer –

  5. writerravenclaw

    I agree, looking forward to my salad, my husband makes a lovely one.

    1. Selma Martin

      That sounds lovely. Yay to your hubby for that. Salads are best.

  6. sgeoil

    Summer is the season of salad, so many choices!

    1. Selma Martin

      It is. Everything else pales in comparison at this time. Happy eating dear Heather. Bee cool

  7. Looks and sounds delicious! I am the same way during the intense heat … a refreshing salad and lovely fish which my angler hubby caught that day. Tonight we will have his fresh catch with couscous, mandarin sections and grapes with an ice cold prosecco. ♡

    1. Selma Martin

      Another thing we have in common: my hubby is also a fisherman. Just last week he and our son went fishing. They prepared tempura that evening. 😋
      Your couscous sounds delightful. And the accompaniments 😋 too. Enjoy your summer, my lovely. Sending you a big hug.
      Ah, don’t forget to claim your drink 🥂 xoxo

      1. Dinner was delish, my dear, and so was the prosecco! I love tempura but don’t have it too often, opting for steamed in a lemony butter sauce. Have a wonderful day! 🫶🏼

  8. pedometergeek

    I really like your haiku sequence, Selma. Despite the heat and humidity, you are cool! ~Nan

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, Nan. Thanks so much for reading. Thanks for the cool compliment. Blessings. Bee Cool my friend. Xo

  9. Christine

    I didn’t know you live in Japan! I would love to live in a foreign country, even for just a short time! I have to agree that the train ride sounds fantastic!

    1. Selma Martin

      😉 I live in Japan —where do you live?
      The train ride was refreshing and inspired the tankas. 👏🏽
      Happy you read. Blessings.

    1. Selma Martin

      The other day we were up past 2 am watching Judo 🥋 🥱
      The Olympic athletes are all amazing.
      Thanks for reading and commenting Yve. 🤗
      Claim your drink 😉 please 🥂

  10. Ingrid

    Sounds delicious, and the perfect summer combination! 🥗 📖 ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      🤗 it’s so hot here. Can’t do more. Happy you read this one dear Ingrid. Sending heart balm your way. Xoxo

  11. ben Alexander

    Delightful, Selma 😍

    I love salads too, but I eat them year-round…


    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, an all seasons fave. They become my main meal this season. 😉 bee cool, dear David. Bee safe too.

  12. paeansunplugged

    Salads are delicious! What a delightful write, Selma. Thanks for the champagne!🥂

    1. Selma Martin

      Hehe. The champagne 🥂 yay.
      Thanks for the prompt. Delicious. 🤤 happy summer.

  13. Cindy Georgakas

    What a scrumptiously delightful poem, dear Selma! The food looks so yummy! I love your cadence and wording. No wonder you have perfect skin, my darling. Laughed and related to this: “I do need to set myself a timer, though–otherwise, I’d go past Tokyo.
    I usually set it to three stations before”

    1. Selma Martin

      😃 you may help yourself to 2 servings, dear Cindy. Blessings.

  14. Colleen Chesebro

    I’m right there with you, Selma! The humidity has kept me inside in the air conditioning. Whew! You outdid yourself with poetry this week. I enjoyed each poem. I love the photo. What a fabulous diner! ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Happy you enjoyed my offering this week Colleen. Bless you. Let’s find ways to beat the heat. Looking forward to fall. 🍂 😉

  15. msjadeli

    Selma, a delicious smorgasbord of verse, with your “bee cool” context added. Fresh salads and cool melons do it for me in the heat and humidity.

    1. Selma Martin

      Salads and melons, right ?! That’s it. And when I can, mangoes. Thanks for reading, Lisa. Blessings.

  16. willowdot21

    Well Selma what a wonderful post, your garden, your train rides, your salad dinner dates, champagne, Olympic games love ….and your other posts such a feast! 💜

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, Willow. Thanks so much for enjoying it. Bless you. Stay in the shade.

  17. Mark S

    Hi Selma, What a delightful collection of poems! Hopefully, you have found relief from the humidity!

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading BEEsy Mark. Sweating through my eyeballs too. Wake me up when October comes. 🤗 🤗 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      Ty. I have a response to the prompt coming later today. Bless you b

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