What Do You See # 241- 3rd June, 2024

This post is a response to Sadje’s What do you see # 241- 3rd June, 2024 prompt. Won’t you join too?

Does this picture, Image credits by ColinMaynard @ Unsplash, inspire you to write something?

WDYS # 241- 3rd June, 2024: Image credit; ColinMaynard @ Unsplash

with curious eyes I

observe my surroundings

wth my mouth I taste the

cohesion of the world

with your kindness my world

expands and enrichens

with every feature I’m

exposed to of this world

cradle me with treasures

always, the more I taste

the better I will bloom

but be mindful I need

no extravagances

ever, and best of all

expose me to your love

© selma

Thanks for reading dear friends. XO

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 37 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey Bianca, 🤗 Thanks for liking. I appreciate the support.

  1. rajkkhoja

    Lovely words written.

  2. Sadje

    I love this poem Selma. You’ve captured the innocence of this child with h her curiosity to explore world. And beautiful advice about not spoiling her worldly things but with love. Thanks for joining in.

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes. Thats how the image spoke to me. It’s lovely image, Sadje. Thanks. I appreciate you. And I was too early. Well, it’s my rest day… caught it early. Thanks.

      1. Sadje

        Thanks my friend. I appreciate your support

  3. Suzanne

    Innocence of babies just brings out the best in us all – lovely …. 💞

    1. Selma Martin

      Indeed. It sure does. So much potential in babies. May they all grow healthy and rounded.
      Thanks for reading and commenting. XX

  4. trE

    This is what got me, and will stick with me for a while, the ending:

    ‘but be mindful I need

    no extravagances

    ever, and best of all

    expose me to your love”

    Well done, Selma!

    1. Selma Martin

      Most blessed with your comment, dear trE. Happy you liked the ending. Bless you. 🤗

  5. beth

    Yes, the most important factor of all

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes. Most important of all. Irreplaceable. Thanks, Beth.

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    Beautiful! Xo

  7. kittysverses

    “but be mindful I need

    no extravagances

    ever, and best of all

    expose me to your love”

    Enjoyed your poem and this thought, Selma. 🙂

  8. Indira

    Wow! Beautiful poem, Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so very much for reading and commenting. Bless you. XO

  9. Belladonna

    Nothing like being loved! This is so beautiful

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