You are currently viewing Week 25: Summer Solstice

Week 25: Summer Solstice

Written for Mark from Season Words. The plums turn yellow…

The hydrangeas are in bloom and the rainy season has started (so they say) the plum
season for pickling and winemaking is on too. I opted out of both this year as I still
have wine leftovers. Enjoying Umeshu this weekend.

I enjoyed all the haiku shared at Season Words this week too, especially the heat
pouring into the Mogami River. How beautiful is that!

Also, loved the exchange of swords for fans. It would do us humans good to practice
such an exchange too.

And what an image: the maiden flower shaking herself in the rain—wow! 👏🏽

My haiku:

practicing, practicing 
to ward off the humid heat 
Umeshu on ice 

got front-row seats 
sipping iced plum wine by the sea
summer solstice

© selma

Thanks for the prompt. Additionally, and as a way to give back for every time you give
to me, here’s a link to an event during the solstice. I especially like it that the lights of
Tokyo Tower get turned off! Candle Night for 1 Million People, 21st Jun, 2024 | Tokyo

Thanks for reading. Happy Summer Solstice week.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Just figuring out you must live in Japan. How amazing is that!? It must be incredibly fascinating.

    1. Selma Martin

      You figure right my Siciliana. It’s Monday for me already. Only a short window in our time difference where we are both awake and able.

      Today, for all the positive things I say, I’m in prayer mode. My son and his girlfriend are flying back home from Spain, having walked El Camino and then some for a month.
      I don’t like flying. Used to fly often (16+ hours at a time) when I went to visit Mother in Belize but now that she is gone and I don’t need to I hardly step inside an airplane for longer than 3 hours.
      So my son and his best girl up there make me kinda kinda…you know. Say a prayer for ME, please.

      I’ll walk to the beach now to calm my nerves.

      I’ll read more later. Bless you always. Hugs

      1. We are of the same cloth, cara. I’ll probably never step inside a plane again; I’m too old to be interested in traveling and I can talk to my cousins in Sicily on FaceTime whenever I like. I have the luxury of living nearby my sons and their families and can see them everyday, if I wish. Two time/week babysitting for our 4 yr old Colette is enough; the older grands are beyond babysitting now so my “tour of duty” is almost over”. I hope the beach calmed you and you had a restful sleep. We are just starting our day. Blessings and hugs to you. 🫶🏼

        1. Selma Martin

          The young people have touched down in Narita 😮‍💨 — I will sleep better tonight.

          That walk did me wonders too 😮‍💨 it’s a constant that rights me every time.

          Airplanes— exhaust me.

          And if you’re not in Sicily where are you? America, maybe? Wherever you are, bless you and the people you love. Loved chatting with you today. Tomorrow I’ll be
          more “able” 🤞 🙇🏽‍♀️

          1. No matter how old our children get, we never stop worrying about them. Who knew??
            I’m glad you enjoyed your walk; I love being by the seashore.
            Yes, I am in the States … NY, to be exact … born and raised. We’re far enough away from Manhattan to be in the suburbs but close enough to drive in for dinner or a show.
            We spend a fair amount of time babysitting our 4 yr old granddaughter and driving the 3 other older grands here and there. Life is good, cara mia.
            Now for a bit of tv before bed. Buona notte!

  2. beth

    how lovely is all that?

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes. The view. The sound. The wind. All lovely and incredible, really. Thanks for visiting 🙇🏽‍♀️

  3. rajkkhoja

    What Lovely All & beautiful place. Nice written haiku. You enjoy walk to the beach. Blessing!

    1. Selma Martin

      I enjoyed my walk to the beach tremendously, Raj. Thanks my friend. Good night.

  4. rajkkhoja

    Here is evening. You have good night!
    Most welcome my dearest friend, Selma!

  5. Sadje

    Enjoy yourself my friend

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    Love it! It is dry season here.

  7. Mark S

    Hi Selma,
    What delightful haiku for this week. And, you have successfully made your own Umeshu! Amazing.

    1. Selma Martin

      🙇🏽‍♀️ I have indeed. It sits/seeps for a year before you can consume. And then you have leftovers 🤣 for years to come. Thats the one I’m enjoying this year. Bless you.
      As long as you have an Ume tree you can make it too.
      Thanks for the visit dear Mark. 🤗

  8. Jules

    A serendipitous post – I just finishe making my raspberry jam. Half, I strained the seeds, to give as a gift. I collected about a pound over two weeks! I thanked the plants. I’m still finishing off the Mulberry jam I made.

    All to soon our niece and her family will be headed overseas… for about three years. That will be a journey. I hope we can face-time with them via google chat. So glad your family has landed safely. (((Hugs)))

    1. Selma Martin

      and happy your niece will be there to enjoy one last barbeque before heading overseas. Just think, you might be packing your bags and traveling. How lovely. I bless you. Thanks for reading and commenting Jules. Raspberry Jam. How lovely that is. Never made jam…

      1. Jules

        I’m not sure if Hubby and I will be making that long journey. but anythin is possible. A non stop flight is about 17 hours long. Not a flight I’d want to sit in ‘coach’… and the cost otherwise is in the multiple thousands of buckaroos…

        As for jam – if you are making a huge batch – using pectin as a preserve would probably be good. But since I only made a very small amount (that will be eaten quickly enough) I only used very simple recipes; berries, sugar, lemon juice. 🙂

  9. 🇪🇺 Bee H.

    I hope your son & his girl friend got home ok and you are calmed again. Such lovely words. Thanks for sharing. 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      Bee, forgive this tardy response. Yes, they landed safely. Europe is sooooo far! Thanks for caring. I bless you. Stay cool and in the shade. Thanks for visiting my post. Hugs.

      1. 🇪🇺 Bee H.

        You are very welcome and don’t worry. Its not always easy to answer comments. I am glad grey,are back safely. Thanks for the good wishes too but we currently have perpetual autumn. We still have to have the stove on at night because its so cold 🥶

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