You are currently viewing Trimeric: Twilight’s Invitation
Copyright © Sadje for What Do You See Prompts.

Trimeric: Twilight’s Invitation

Twilight came gently with an invitation
shadowed by a stairwell of rain clouds
I surrender for once to the weather
forgoing my inclination for undue hurry

shadowed by a stairwell of rain clouds
and the aura of the silken glow of a candle
I nestle indoors with an old book long-neglected

I surrender for once to the weather
keen on reliving the book’s buried secrets
as I listen to the sound of soothing rain

forgoing all signs of undue hurry
my light melds with the sounds of the night
ensconcing me in Twilight’s haven.

Copyright © selma

Form: Trimeric (Trimeric \tri-(meh)-rik), invented by Charles A. Stone.

The rules are simple:

The sequence of lines, then, is abcd, b . ., c . ., d . . .
Note: No other rules on line length, meter, or rhyme.

Trimeric has 4 stanzas

The first stanza has 4 lines

The other three stanzas have 3 lines each

The first line of each stanza is a refrain of the corresponding line in the first
stanza (so 2nd stanza starts with the second line, and the third stanza begins
with the third line, etc.).

Written for Sadje: What do you see # 252- September 2, 2024


Image credit; Esra Korkmaz @ Unsplash

“I grew up in this town, my poetry was born between the hill
and the river, it took its voice from the rain, and like the timber,
it steeped itself in the forests.”

Pablo Neruda

Thanks so much for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. yassy

    Stairwell of rain ☔️🤗 love your choice of words.

    1. Selma Martin

      Delighted you enjoyed that lovely line, Yassy. Thanks.

      1. yassy

        My pleasure , Selma 🤗💕

  2. Sadje

    It’s a beautiful form and your poem is so well written Selma. It gives an aura of calmness! Thanks for joining in.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks most dearly, Sadje. A beautiful picture. 🤗

      1. Sadje

        You’re always welcome my friend 💕

  3. Kym Gordon Moore

    Beautifully composed Selma. So serene my friend. Love it! 😊💖🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, but did you see the prompted image? Beautiful. Thanks for appreciating Kym dear. Blessings. Xo

      1. Kym Gordon Moore

        Oh my gosh, yes I did. I saw that image on a few other posts responding to that prompt. Powerful. You did a good job with this challenge my dear Selma! 👓💖😎

  4. writerravenclaw

    Reading a book, when it is raining, takes you to a beautiful place.

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, it’s the perfect setting for traveling. Inward. 😉 thanks, Diana.

  5. memadtwo

    Sometimes surrender is best. (K)

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