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Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

To Write Nature Poetry You Need to Be Subsumed First


I came out to write a nature poem
out here by the silent trees
cloaked in deep concentration
to prove my mind’s prowess.

Oh, if only the bees would stop buzzing
and the squirrels would hurry with their tasks!
Ah, if the birds would cease chirping
and grant me peace and quiet at last.

I came out to write a nature poem
about squirrels, birds, trees, and me,
but I’ve been dazed with distractions–
think I’ll go for a nature walk to see.

As I steal close to the duck pond
I find them enraptured in lessons today,
so I sit down to write my nature poem
and hope that they don’t interrupt me.

But an owl hoots at me from a distance,
and the cicadas start to sing,
butterflies pirouette on my shoulders,
Geez, can’t a poet do anything?

I put aside pen and paper
And drift to the red hibiscus
Find a *zunzuncito in midair frisk
diving and fluttering its tail feathers

And I think to myself,
I came out to write a nature poem,
but of poetry writing, I learned this
in attempting to write, I must fuse with it,
for in nature, the poet exists.

*zunzuncito–bee hummingbird

Pg. 50 In The Shadow Of Rainbows

Photo Image by Pezibear from Pixabay 
Thanks so much for reading and I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 69 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Beautiful poem Selma. With nature all around you, how can it not creep into your poetry!

    1. Selma Martin

      Poetry:Nature:Poetry. Never intrusive. Every living thing is doing exactly what it’s meant to do. For nature.
      Thanks for supporting my efforts, sweet Sadje.
      One fine day, I’ll be all caught up. 😃
      ✍🏻 😥 ✍🏻

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome! I love your commitment to writing meaningful posts and poem. Carry on the good work.

        1. Selma Martin

          Thank you. I feel I have an audience that needs me to “try” to stick to meaningful posts. So I try. Thanks, Sadje, I cherish the support. XoXo

          1. Sadje

            Very true! You’re welcome

  2. Ingrid

    Letting nature be the poem is a marvellous idea! ‘Let nature be your teacher’ as Wordsworth said 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes, yes. Exactly. My last poem was a spark from this comment. Thanks so much, dear Ingrid.
      My ‘everything’ is in full-alert mode. Working smooth but slowly (as always) I received the lovely poetry chest and reading. I already know I love it but I want to be bubbling over when I review it. I will get there. Promise.
      Great work, everyone. Wow.

      1. Ingrid

        Take your time and go with the flow 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so happy you read and appreciate the comment immensely. Thanks 🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m always so happy to find you here. Your presence alone is a delight. Thanks.
      Hey, Cindy. Don’t miss Jupiter and Mars. These two planets are visible to the naked eye tonight(for you. I saw them last night). Please don’t miss them. And the moon of course. Moon=12 o’clock Jupiter=2 o’clock Mars=10 o’clock —you’ll understand when you look. Enjoy. Summer hug.

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        oh aren’t you a delight my sweet and thanks for the invitation. Best one I’ve had in awhile! Looking forward to it my friend.. thank you xoxoxoxox hugs back from me and the planets!💖💖🤗🤗🤗🤗

  3. Daphny Aqua

    A beautifully written poem and a gorgeous way to describe nature dear Selma, loved reading it. ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy you came to visit me. I know you must be so happy. Celebrating. So I appreciate you even more. Blessings. Keep going. 👏

      1. Daphny Aqua

        Always a pleasure to come visit you Selma, ah yes its been a roller coaster of emotions haha… I hope you loved reading them. 😊❤️

  4. Jaya Avendel

    Ah, how lovely a poem that envelopes the experience of sitting with nature in search of poetry only to discover you are part of the poem. <3

    1. Selma Martin

      Isn’t that the truth. That discovery is precious. Thanks so much, Jaya. Stay sweet. Summer hug. Don’t miss the sky tonight…

  5. Ruth Klein


  6. A very unique and lovely poem, Selma! Those are the kind of “interruptions” I enjoy. The cicadas are singing loudly here. Yesterday, a young raccoon visited us on the patio. He looked hungry, but we don’t feed them because they can cause problems. The birds, squirrels, and rabbit all fend for themselves. The armadillos dig up the yard, but i like them anyway! <3 I would love to see a hummingbird! Have a beautiful day!

    1. Selma Martin

      I love these interruptions too.
      Wild life in your patio.
      But armadillos? We have moles.

      Have a splendid evening. Be sure to look up at the moon. Jupiter and Mars serenade Moon tonight.
      I saw them last night…
      I bless you. Good night.

  7. Ellie Thompson

    This is such a beautiful poem, Selma. Wonderful visual images. I’m glad you have such delightful examples and reminders of nature around you. I could almost feel like I was there with you. Your poem especially appeals to me because, like you, I’m so passionate about nature. During the unbearable heatwave we’ve been experiencing, I’ve been putting out cat biscuits and lots of saucers of water for the hedgehogs who go about the garden at night and also any other wildlife that needs a drink or some food. Apparently, hedgehogs like cat biscuits. There is so much wildlife that needs our help and support these days. I was wondering what the word that you asterisked, ‘zunzuncito’ meant as I’ve not heard that word before. Then, I decided to use my common sense and Googled it. I found it was a Bee Hummingbird. How lovely to be able to see them. Take care, dear Selma. Ellie xxx 🥰

  8. Selma Martin

    Thanks so much, dear Ellie. I appreciate you tons. Stay sweet and out of the sun or you might melt away (you’re so sweet) xoxo

  9. Tricia Sankey

    To be so interrupted by nature is truly inspiring!! Enjoyed reading! 🌞

  10. paeansunplugged

    Letting nature be the poem is the best thing to do, Selma. You have my heart with this one. ❤️

  11. I love this. Reminds me of how when I go camping, I always forget how loud nature is. In a tent, you hear every insect and bird and animal all night long. It’s remarkably crappy conditions for a night of sleep, and yet, I manage to wake up surprisingly refreshed.

    1. Selma Martin

      I see. Camping. That too needs we get subsumed. And I’m sure you do with the help of your subconscious mind. How very cool. Love this comment. Love how you awaken refreshed. Xoxo.

  12. Anonymous

    That made me smile and laugh with delight. Nature is rarely silent or still, much like our messy minds (mine anyway).

    1. Selma Martin

      Messy minds: same same.
      Birds of a feather … I’m sure we know each other, though your comment shows as Anonymous. 😢
      I bless you. Stay as you are.

  13. Sadje

    I remember reading this poem in your lovely book.

    1. Selma Martin

      Doubly thanks, dear Sadje. I appreciate the support.

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome 🙏🏼

  14. ben Alexander

    Actually, this is one of my favorites from the book!


  15. Suzette Benjamin

    I love your beautiful expressions of how nature teaches us in part, how to write poetry. Beautiful poem, Selma

    – I must fuse with it,
    for in nature, the poet exists.- Brilliant and well said.

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m delighted you enjoyed it my friend.
      Hope you’re enjoying your summer.

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes. Nature sure can. She contains multitudes. 🤗

  16. beth

    we are a part of nature, one.

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh yes. Though sometimes we forget and want to “fix” everything. Blessings, Beth

      1. beth

        that’s exactly right

  17. What a charming and delightful poem you have created, Selma! Isn’t Mother Nature beautiful? 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Mother Nature is phenomenal. And best of all, she knows! Thanks for reading Nancy. Enjoy August.

  18. M Jay Dixit

    👏👏👏 lovely poem with a classic ending!

    1. Selma Martin

      I appreciate your readership. Grateful heart. Blessings

      1. Heidi-Marie

        Interesting poem. Although we may sometimes feel disturbed by nature, imagine how silent the world would be without bees, owls, squirrels, etc.

        I now know that you love Victorian poetry, you’re married to your best friend of 32 years and you have 2 gentle young men. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. We learn something new every day.

        1. Selma Martin

          Yes. Indeed we do. Im glad we understand each other better now.
          All the best to go. Good night 😴 bed time 🥱

  19. Al Gallia

    Selma, wonderful poem and reflects my thoughts perfectly. The only real beauty and peace comes from nature in solitude and contemplation. 🌹

    1. Selma Martin

      We must fuse with nature because nature knows best.
      I appreciate you reading and commenting Al— a real booster for me this morning. Sending blessings. Be well. Bee cool.

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