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To The Next Generation: It’s Not Your Fault

Written for Christine of Stine Writing:
Simply 6 Minutes – Welcome to the Challenge: 06/11/2024

Welcome to the 6-minute challenge! Today’s prompt is: This is a picture of a model
in a dress* that looks like its plastic and full of air *****For …

To The Next Generation: It’s Not Your Fault

This passing of the baton is no easy feat. Not when our parents and their
parents introduced us to old stories about how we got here and “promised”
that the perennial wonders of the world would never disappear—well, how
would something as grand as The Great Barrier Reef ever disappear? And
the glaciers? And the jungles and forest that entice us season after
season? Simply impossible!

This could never happen to us smart people with smart phones and gadgets
that advance us daily, private jets and fast vehicles that defy time. Yet
here we are, we’ve destroyed the very foundation of the oceans and the
barrier reef is suffering. Our forests and mountains are suffering. Birds
are displaced. Their livelihood uncertain.

So when we hand over this baton what else are you supposed to do with what
you have to work with? The wreckage of our follies? Plastic! When plastic
is what we pass on to you. (You inherit from us).

We. I. Cannot fathom how these models* will advance your generation but I
trust you know something we old people don’t. The only thing I beg is that
you never forget that humans thrive best on connections and touch and
proximity and connectivity. Please don’t confine yourselves into plastic
matrixes for it is then that seasons of mankind will cease to exist.
(224 words)

06:03:10 on my timer (as the title came to me and I had to write it down,
lest I forget) But I want to add:

And I want to be within ear distance to hear the new stories you will
tell me.

copyright ©️ selma

No shaming. It’s not your fault.

Children Learn What They Live: Book by Dorothy Nolte and Rachael Harris


Image Link:

Thanks for reading 🙇🏽‍♀️

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. beth

    a great way to look at it and good advice

    1. Selma

      Thanks, dear Beth 🤗 xo, Selma

    1. Selma Martin

      Glad you did, Maria. The prompt was for a stream of consciousness like writing in 6 minutes. Wow. First time I time myself like that. Glad you enjoyed my six minutes

      1. Maria Michaela

        I’m not sure I could write this well in 6 minutes. Unless my mind is in the mood, I guess. Truly brilliant writing, Selma.

  2. writerravenclaw

    Learning from our mistakes, if only if it were that simple; but it is.

    1. Selma Martin

      Our kids are inheriting a flawed scenario. We must trust they’ll tackle them problems with finesse and if we’re still around we must be content with being observers.
      God help them. For us. Bless you. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. memadtwo

    Let’s hope they can do better than we did! (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Indeed. Let’s hope they can do better than we have. Blessing as always. 🤗

  4. Destiny

    so well and wisely said, Selma…🙏

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for saying. I appreciate your readership. Destiny. Xo

    1. Selma Martin

      😜 a stream of consciousness writing in a little over 6 minutes. Glad you enjoyed. 🤗

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