“A trial on Vampirey,” you say. Now you’ve heard it all!
I know, right? But isn’t that the way temptation begins? We, the adults among us, know
this is nothing but buffoonery–I believe it’s safe to assume that–but the young ones
who cannot wait to grow up sometimes cannot tell the difference. It is with them in
mind that I post this today.
Firstly, let me turn your attention to the words of a noteworthy philosopher:
“If you were offered the chance to become a vampire — painlessly
and without inflicting pain on others, gaining incredible superpowers
in exchange for relinquishing your human existence, with all your friends
having made the leap and loving it — would you do it?”
~ L.A. Paul, Philosopher
A big question, my friends.
The decision to become a vampire, or not, has to be one of the most epistemic
situations to find yourself in. For starters, you know very little about your possible
future as a vampire. Running parallel to that, you are limited when you face a possible
future as a vampire. If you want to decide by thinking about what your lived experience
would be like if you decided to undergo the experience, then my friend — you have a
If at this very moment you’re wrecking your mind wondering about giving it a trial run,
know this — you cannot do it rationally. And I will say what I already know you know:
a trial on vampirey? Such a thing is ridiculous!
If you’re with me on this so far, you can stop reading already because the rest is all
jibberish. You don’t need my perspective. You Know!
For sure, you can’t do it by weighing in on all the competing options concerning what it would be like and choosing on that basis. And wouldn’t it seem unreliable and biased
to rely solely on the testimony of your vampire friends to help you reach an informed
decision? After all, those vampire friends of yours aren’t human like you anymore. As
such, their preferences are the ones vampires have — not the ones humans have.
The trouble with this situation
How could you possibly make an informed decision? Look, you cannot know
what it is like to be a vampire until you are one.
And if you cannot know what it’s like to be a vampire without becoming one,
you cannot compare the character of the lived experience of what
it’s like to be a mere human right now,
to the character of the lived experience of what
it would be like to be a vampire.
In my humble opinion, this is an apt analogy for most, if not all, of our most
important life decisions.
Choices —Big choices all around. To do or not to do…every day!
What is your gauge for the options you consider giving your precious time to?
Whoever said that you could have it all wasn’t being completely honest with you.
All decisions involve making choices on one life OR the other.
Temptation is everywhere. Just once, try this drug; commit this unlawful act just for
the thrill; give in to this or that; you only live once, so live — just once! Foolhardy
words. Can you please tell me that you recognize the trap and can tell where it’s
leading? Giving in to such temptations turns you into a vampire.
We live every day, we only die once.
I’m sure you’ve heard the above quote before; someone insightful said it. Our hearts
beat every second we’re alive; why would you choose to exchange one second of your
life for something other than living with purpose?
This post is not meant to be preachy—preachy doesn’t teach.
Experience teaches.
Take this as a reminder that it’s important to seek out experiences that help us grow
and teach us things about being the best humans we can be.
As a human, the sky IS the limit.
It will sound contradictory, but as humans tap into the universe’s frequency from an
authentic human standpoint where harmony and generosity flourish, yes, we can have
it all. But, sorry to say, you will have to leave your vampire aspirations behind.
Go on, immerse yourself in the experiences you’re dreaming about but please be
selective about the experiences you wish to have.
Become a vampire if that’s what you want,
but know that you
will need to relinquish
your human existence.
That is the only way!
At the risk of sounding redundant, let me just end this by saying that the only
way to have experiences that teach us things we cannot know about from any other
source is by going in and immersing into the experience itself. Selection is key.
This piece was inspired by an article in the old Brain Pickings;
now The Marginalian by Maria Popova.
I Wish You Miracles.
- Wordless Wednesday - January 15, 2025
- Utenzi: Conquer Rage, Valorous Heart - January 14, 2025
- Hello @selmawrites, helloselmawrites - January 14, 2025
Insightful post. Perhaps the trade for immortality as a vampire is an unquenchable lust which requires the vampire to shutdown all feeling to feed his or her blood addiction. I speak metaphorically, but what appears to be a plus often comes with negative consequences. The temporary high for the life of slavery.
Hey, Don. It pleases me the way you took that post. (It’s a reposting that might have given you ‘Deja Vu’). It’s practically impossible to weigh things unbiased. But humanity now is keen on FOMO when JOMO (replace fear with JOY) is really what we should be after. Still, I understand that no amount of warning will change us… Thanks for commenting with your thoughts. I appreciate you enormously. Be well, my friend. Stay safe. I wish you Miracles, Don.