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Two copies of a precious chunky book: photo by Selma

This Would Have Been My First Amazon Printed Book Purchase in 2025

This is Me (A Chunky Book) by Lenore Blegvad, Illustrated by Erik Blegvad. 

In my capacity as a thinking being with a tightly self-imposed spending restriction on purchasing book (that I adhere to often)—so I’ve been purchasing only digital copies as paperbacks can ruin me—I hit the ground hard today. See, today I was going to break the wallet and restrictions within reasonable measures. For the love of books. For the love of grandbabies.

Imagine my surprise: Jaw-dropping!

Here’s what I wrote and submitted to Amazon co jp minutes ago. I doubt they’ll publish it but someone will get to read it:

This is Me (A Chunky Book) by Lenore Blegvad, Illustrated by Erik Blegvad. 

👀 ⬇️ 👀 ⬇️

I am flabbergasted—what’s going on here?! 

I ADORE this book; here is what I ABHOR about what I see: 

I cannot believe what my eyes see here. Something is very wrong with the pricing on this book. Yes, it is a priceless treasure that gave me and my two babies immeasurable hours of enjoyment, reading and rereading and as kids will do—tasting the book! 

I purchased TWO copies of this hard bound book—in 1993 and 1996. And though I cannot remember how much I paid for them at the time I’m sure it couldn’t have been at the price it shows here now. 

I have nothing but praise for this “sturdy”board book and remembering my joy, I wanted to purchase it again for my new grandbabies. I visited today to get two more copies of the gem but that price has floored me. What—No way will I pay that price!

Please, do something about that price. Or you’ll deprive new grandparents and the world of a treasure. Please and Thanks beforehand. Perhaps you can forward this review to Random House Publishers?  I’m counting on you, Amazon! 

“What would you do if this happened to you?” ~ Dr. Seuss

Incidentally, at the end of the year I was keen to finish reading “most” of the books I purchased during the year. I “mostly” succeeded—some pending. And as is my stride, I review them all on Amazon and Goodreads. Some I tell you about; others I don’t.

This month I will showcase “a few” main books I’m dying to tell you about. I still have two important ones that I feel indebted to. And still not done with. Those two are utterly, totally engrossing. Give me time.

My reviews appear first on Amazon dot com dot jp—from where I purchase.

I also purchase from Amazon dot com, mainly to forward to friends living in America. But goddamn dot com—they don’t honor my reviews. And they’re rude! See for yourself:

The Notice I get when I TRY to post a review with dot com 👎🏽 That’s how they treat foreign customers.

I’m spacing my book reviews in the website for every six days. Wait for them please. It is my great honor to do this. 🙇🏻‍♀️ for you, who I appreciate so much. Blessings.

See my photo gallery on This is Me (A Chunky Book) by Lenore Blegvad, Illustrated by Erik Blegvad. 

Thanks for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Kathryn LeRoy

    I sometimes also look for, and want, out of print books. They become collector items. Available to only those with pots of gold. The good news is that many wonderful picture book writers keep creating books for new generations to hold, chew, and fall in love with. Oh, those marvelous days of reading and re-reading treasured stories and illustrations.

    1. Selma Martin

      I want to see reviews/recommendations of these new books —I’m in the market for great children’s books —please let me know.
      Yes, and tasting and chewing the books.

  2. Cheryl Batavia

    Oh, no, Selma! Unbelievable the rudeness you encountered! I am sorry the treasured books you wanted are prohibitively priced! Talk about a bad day, here! May the week ahead bring you joy and peace. It’s time! 🕊️ 💕🦋

  3. beth

    total jerks. check out thrift books online who ship for free and offer tons of great used books. why amazing has restricted your reviewing shows just how deep into the crazy pool they’ve become.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thrift book. Online? I need to hear more about this.
      Amazon is crazy indeed

      1. beth and

        1. Selma Martin

          A long long time ago I purchased from a stellar place called Chinaberry. They sent catalogues of fun books to subscribers. They delivered within the week. They must have had offices close. I sooooo miss them. I will give your recommends a look over. Thanks soooo much Beth.

  4. Colleen Chesebro

    How much does it come to in dollars, Selma? Is it the tarrifs? 🤦🏼‍♀️

    1. Selma Martin

      Forgive the tardy response Colleen. 🙇🏻‍♀️

      A favorable exchange Depends on if you’re the consumer and taking advantage of the weak yen conversion. If your credit card is from here or there.

      The devaluated yen is favorable when making and splurging from overseas. For me over here the physical value of the yen that requires us the same sweat as always to accumulate is the same; No change as it fluctuates or plunges lower and lower. To explain, “For me” the value of ¥35,000 is STILL $350.00 US.

      But at today’s rate it’s US$230 if you, from over there, are purchasing with dollars. Weak YEN is favorable for you. 👍🏽

      And did you see the ¥80,000 price for a used book? Kills me. And I was keen on purchasing 2 copies. 😵‍💫

  5. memadtwo

    I avoid Amazon whenever possible. Have you tried eBay? Or, as someone mentioned, Good luck! (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, K. I don’t like fattening that Giant. For now it’s the only speedy way for me to obtain books.
      I will need to look somewhere else and practice waiting.
      Bless you. Be well please.

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