You are currently viewing The Gall! Someone Did Blunder #NaPoWriMo #shadorma Day 7
Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

The Gall! Someone Did Blunder #NaPoWriMo #shadorma Day 7

there I stand
engrossed in the show
sweat dripping,
hatless, red
when the tallest dude around
points to my bare head

so necks swing
all eyes look my way--
good looking
I am not
it's then my furnace goes cold
someone has blundered!

oh, the gall!
blob o' white plaster
drips from head
selfish! vain!
kind folk hands me a napkin
rub, rub, snarl-- I run.

© 2021
And if I may entice you with a Fib as well. Here you go-- this one's for you!

Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay 
Thanks so much for reading. Be sure to claim your miracles.

Selma Martin
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