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#TankaTuesday Poetry Challenge: Javanese poetry, 12/03/2024 #syllabicpoetry #WDYS

our long long road/in sync we walked hands clasped/showing us our common charms
but came a day/too soon for my senses/the cusp of adolescence
where are you now?/I search with homesickness…/may your road rise to meet you
remember us/our long road hurried me/may one day it bring you home

copyright ©️ Selma

Written for #TankaTuesday Poetry Challenge: Javanese poetry, 12/03/2024

Tanka Tuesday hosted by David asks for an Indonesian form from the island of Java,
which is called the ‘Sekar ageng’:

compose a ‘Sekar ageng’ poem of your own, according to the following rules, as laid
out by Murisopsis:

Sekar ageng – This Javanese form is traditionally recited as a song. The modern form
comprised of any number of quatrains (4-line stanzas) with 17 syllables per line. Each
line is divided by caesurae (breaks) after sections of 4 syllables, 6 syllables, and 7
syllables in that order.


Also, for Sadje’s #WDYS #keepitalive prompt #265 for 12/02/24

Featured Image credit; Pixabay ( free for use)

For the visually challenged reader, the image shows a road that is surrounded on both
sides by trees, the branches of which meet in a canopy over the road. Light from the
sun is filtering through the branches and illuminating the road. 

Sadje waits for your responses.


The poems and works on this website are fragments of rough drafts.
Kindly respect my copyright. All Rights Reserved. 

© 2024 selmamartin 

 📌pinning a self-promo📌 

(because if I don’t, no one else will 😉)

In The Shadow of Rainbows: A Collection of Songs of Presence 

I hope the mention of the book might tempt you
or that perhaps you consider gifting it to someone you think might enjoy it.
Thanks for the support beforehand. 

Screenshot from Amazon by Selma

A heart overflowing with gratitude.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. Robbie Cheadle

    A lovely theme for a poem, Selma.

  2. dorahak

    Beautiful thoughts, beautiful words!

  3. Sadje

    A beautiful and sweet poem of remembering old days. Love the nostalgia in your poetry Selma. Thank you for joining in

  4. ben Alexander

    Hey Selma,

    Your verse hit me right in the feels. That mix of nostalgia and hope is so beautifully done.

    “May your road rise to meet you”—love it! Such a heartfelt tribute 🌍💛


  5. Gwen M. Plano

    Lovely, Selma… the road less traveled is always the one remembered in dreams. Beautiful.

  6. rajkkhoja

    Interesting words written, Selma!

  7. Kerfe

    I wonder about a lot of people from my youth in a similar manner Selma…yes, may all of them be traveling a good road now.

  8. Shweta

    Throughout our lives, we come across a lot of people. Some make an impact and drift away from our lives. This one made me remember a few such people I’ve lost contact with. Beautifully written, Selma

  9. Jules

    Your verse reminds me of my first beau. But I also read into it a conversation of a parent and child.
    May we all find our way ‘home’. And may ‘home’ always be with those we love.

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh yes, yes. parent and child… But it works the other way too. verily. May the words work their magic in every way. It was a lovely prompt image. Bless you Jules. Always…

  10. Marsha

    Very sweet poem, Selma. We all need love – even the trees and home is where we hope to find the love and respite we need.

    1. Selma Martin

      So very true. We all need love and a place where “everybody knows” your name. Bless you Marsha.

      1. Marsha

        Blessings right back to you, Selma! 🙂 xxx

    1. Selma Martin

      Not so sure. I get you. Of course you don’t know my sweet. Just remember that you equipped him well —as best as you could. Watch him prove you right. Bless you. All the best to your son.

  11. Colleen Chesebro

    Selma, such sweet nostalgia for the days when we were young. I’ve walked this path lately too.

    1. Selma Martin

      Nostalgia. Yes. Can’t help but wonder where everyone is. Bless you my friend

  12. Maria Michaela

    I agree that your book is something worth gifting 😊
    Love your poem, Selma

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for these lovely words, Maria. Bless you. Hope you’re well my friend.

    1. Selma Martin

      Lots of nostalgia. Yes. Thanks Punam dearest. Xo

  13. willowdot21

    Selma I love this you have married both prompts perfectly 💜💜

    1. Selma Martin

      Did my best 😜 thanks so much sweet Willow. Blessings. Merry Merry Everything. 🤗

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