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synchronize & crystallize me, she did 

nothing more charming:
her daytime cooing responses 
nothing more satisfying:
our silent rockabye bounces 

like swinging in a hammock 
those irresistibly sober stirrings
crystallized me like manna 
fell from heaven, sustaining—

slow and steady to aid digestion
and provide comfort, affirming
all the bouncing, rocking, swinging
she, ensconced; I, ensconced:
soothing, calming—enthralling 

had to get it out or burst—
nothing more satisfying than 
her cooing responses,
except for the joy at having 
a soundly snoozing baby

Copyright ©️ selmamartin2025


Add a few wrinkles and grays to the image below and pretend that’s me: ensconced in the miraculous moments I was given.

PNG mother baby sticker vintage
PNG mother baby sticker vintage– cHJpdmF0ZS9sci9pbWFnZXMvd2Vic2l0ZS8yMDIyLTA0L2pvYjcxMi0wNjQtcC5wbmc.jpg OPENVERSE

An American Sentence:

All the physical footage of their stay resides only in my mind.” ~ Selma

Thanks for reading my friends.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Cheryl Batavia

    A touching poem about the joys of motherhood, Selma. ❤️ The 6-word story reminds us to enjoy those precious childhood years.

  2. michnavs

    Ohh so touching Selma..I could imagine your joy ❤️😍

  3. VJ

    Nothing better than a sleeping baby. Love the rhythm of this, Selma

  4. Monkey's Tale

    Love this, your grandchild will too when she’s old enough. Maggie

  5. Sadje

    A beautiful and heartfelt poem Selma.

  6. Michele Lee

    Isn’t that the truth. 🥰 Thank you for the sweet share, reminding me of those precious moments, when the world stopped in a most delightful way. 💕

  7. rajkkhoja

    Nice & heart touching poem, Selma. I love the rhythm of this words written you.

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