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Swathe You In My Love

“Nobody has ever measured,
even poets, how much
a heart can hold.”
~ Zelda Fitzgerald

Thanks for reading.
Happy weekend.

A share from February:

(A take after Harlem by Langston Hughes)

What happens when a friendship/relationship withers?

Does your heart dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or gnaws at your mind long
that you never can
trust another?
Does the memory stink
like rotten meat
that the sight of you,
keeps others at bay?

Or do you pick yourself up and focus on new interests—
analyze and shift your perspective?

Or practice taking care of yourself?

What do you do when a friendship withers?

© selma
(75 words)

Again, thanks.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    Very nice you sharing in poem. Beautiful pic. Beautiful words written in poem. Nice you write question tage in poem…What do you do when a friendship withers?

  2. Cheryl Batavia

    Lovely post, Selma. I particularly liked “Swathe You in my Love.” 💕🩷💕

    1. Selma Martin

      Beautiful friend. Welcome back. You were having tech problems. I truly hope all’s resolved. Go easy on yourself please.
      Thanks for reading. Bless you abundantly. Xo

  3. Robbie Cheadle

    This is very lovely, Selma 💚

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re too kind. Thanks for thinking it so, dear Diana. Blessings. Always.

  4. memadtwo

    Emotions are complicated things. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Oh yes. Complicated. Intricate. Thanks for reading, K 🤗

  5. dorahak

    The heart is more resilient than we think, until we find out how much it can bear … and share. Blessings to you, Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Dora. The heart follows its own heart. 👏🏽

  6. Dawn Pisturino

    A beautifully-written poem, Selma, and I love Langston Hughes!

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