You are currently viewing Sunflower Haiku Series: 火曜日短歌
Vincent van Gogh's Allotment with Sunflower (1887) famous painting. Original from Wikimedia Commons. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

Sunflower Haiku Series: 火曜日短歌

Written for 2023 Photo Prompt: #TankaTuesday Weekly #Poetry Challenge No.
333, 8/15/23.

🌻This week, our syllabic poetry invitation is to write a poem using the
photo below as inspiration.🌻

Read more about the symbolism of sunflowers: Sunflower MeaningSunflower
Meaning & Symbolism & Ukraine’s National Flower.

Photographer Terri Webster Schrandt, from, for Tanka Tuesday

Children in summer—
activities all day long
sunflowers grow tall

Kids heavy-footed
run at the sound of the school bell
sunflowers quiver

In the morning mist
the sound in the market square
sunflowers in pots

No one there to smile
if I cut the sunflowers
the garden goes dark

Sandals in her hand
the mad girl sunning at midday
under sunflowers


Thanks for reading. Happy summer to all.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. Melissa Lemay

    Wonderful how you’ve captured the comings and goings of summer all around the sunflowers, Selma.❤️🙏🏼

  2. Sadje

    Lovely imagery in this poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      I appreciate you saying, dear Sadje. Happy Sunday.

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome Selma

  3. rajkkhoja



    Love all the imagery, especially the last stanza. Well done, Selma!

      1. CHUONTHIS

        Blessings to you, too, Selma. Happy Sunday! 🤗

  5. msjadeli

    Selma, I like how you make sunflowers an ever-presence and that summer wouldn’t be the same without them. Truly lovely poem.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks so much, Lisa. Happy you enjoyed. summer wouldn’t be the same without these happy faces. Xoxo

  6. memadtwo

    A wonderful evocation of summer. (K)

  7. Michele Lee

    My sunflowers did not survive the intense dry summer the SW is having. Your beautiful poem is a gift! 🙏🏻🌻

    1. Selma Martin

      Didn’t survive. 😢 the heat is ON; poor babies.

  8. Meelosmom

    I love sunflowers. Your haiku are wonderful, Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy you enjoyed these. I love sunflowers too.

    1. Selma Martin

      Sunflowers are lovely. Yes. Happy you enjoyed the poems. XoXo

  9. Colleen M. Chesebro

    Sunflowers is a wonderful summer kigo, Selma and you captured the flowers in all of their glory. I love the one about cutting the sunflowers in the park and if they’re gone, the park goes dark! Brilliant! 🌻

    1. Selma Martin

      Ah, you did? Thank you. That one made me happy too. Thanks so much, Colleen. Blessings on your Sunday

      1. Colleen M. Chesebro

        Thanks so much, Selma. I love working with kigo words… they are great inspiration.

        1. Selma Martin

          I like this. Kigo makes Haiku

          (Ha-i-ku 8-19 🥸)
          Bless you, dear Colleen

          ((yo-ro-shi-ku 4649)) 🥸
          Best regards
          ((San-kyu 39, 39, 39))
          Thank you

  10. Balroop Singh

    This is a wonderful string of haiku, Selma. I love the smiles of sunflowers!

    1. Selma Martin

      So pleased you enjoyed it dear Balroop. Xoxo thanks

  11. lesleyscoble

    I love the image of the heavy footed kids! This poem is truly wonderful, Selma 💛🌻💛

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for thinking it so and worthy of a comment. I so appreciate it. XoXo

      1. lesleyscoble

        Your work is always worthy of a comment, Selma 💗xx

  12. ben Alexander

    Your verses are so alive, Selma! <3

    Much love,

  13. Resa

    Wonderful poetry. I adore sunflowers. Thank you, Selma!

  14. matthewjrichardson

    The market square in the morning mist is just such a wonderful image. Loved this.

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Glad to know. Thanks so much for the comment. Bless you. Xoxo

  15. Bridgette

    Who does love a sunflower poem and yours is quite lovely indeed!

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for saying.
      Everyone loves sunflowers, yes. 👏🏽

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